Episode 297

Published on:

11th Feb 2025

Becoming the Best Version of YOU with Mary Kominska | RR297

Personal growth isn’t just about learning new skills—it’s about challenging old patterns, setting boundaries, and becoming the best version of yourself.

Mary Kominska, an entrepreneur, mindset coach, and creator of the T.E.A. course, knows firsthand how transformational that journey can be. After years in corporate life and direct sales, she discovered that real change starts with shifting thoughts, emotions, and actions. Her experiences with personal struggles led her to develop a system that helps others take control of their lives with clarity and purpose.

From learning to set boundaries that actually stick to embracing self-care as a necessity rather than a luxury, Mary shares the powerful lessons that reshaped her relationships and career. Managing yourself—not just your time—becomes a game-changer when you balance multiple roles with intention. Her story is filled with resilience, reinvention, and the mindset shifts that turn life’s challenges into opportunities for growth.


Learn how to set and enforce boundaries that improve your relationships and protect your energy.

Discover why self-care is more than just a luxury—it’s a necessity for long-term success.

Gain insights into how managing yourself, not just your schedule, leads to greater productivity and fulfillment.

Explore how curiosity and asking better questions can open new doors in business and life.

Understand the power of shifting your mindset to break free from old habits and create meaningful change.

Connect with Mary

Website: https://bestandbeautifulyou.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marykominska/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bestandbeautifulyou/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bestandbeautifulyou

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Janice Porter:

Hi everyone, and welcome to this week's episode

Janice Porter:

of relationships rule. My guest today is Mary Kaminska, and I

Janice Porter:

want to just say Hi Mary and Welcome Hi Janice. Thank you so

Janice Porter:

much for having me My pleasure. Mary and I haven't known each

Janice Porter:

other that long. We did meet through a little networking

Janice Porter:

online group that we both belonged to, and took it from

Janice Porter:

there, really, because now we've connected in so many different

Janice Porter:

ways. And I want to just mention a couple of things, because Mary

Janice Porter:

is definitely an entrepreneur. She does so many different

Janice Porter:

things, and she helps a lot of people with the things that she

Janice Porter:

does, I think first and foremost, and I think what has

Janice Porter:

and correct me if I'm wrong, Mary, but what, what I think has

Janice Porter:

influenced her a lot in her life today is 18 years with a direct

Janice Porter:

sales company, And that's a long time, and I know from my

Janice Porter:

experience with network marketing, same thing, network

Janice Porter:

marketing, direct sales, are under the same umbrella. I have

Janice Porter:

learned and and been been drawn to, a lot of personal growth.

Janice Porter:

And I think you probably would agree with me. I'm not sure what

Janice Porter:

do you say to that?

Mary Kominska:

Oh, I agree. 100% when I worked in corporate, I I

Mary Kominska:

was never given that opportunity. They don't really

Mary Kominska:

want you to grow. Yeah, and right? And so you, you kind of

Mary Kominska:

have to, when you're your own boss, you have to figure things

Mary Kominska:

out. So I 100% that's one of the many things I love about being

Mary Kominska:

an entrepreneur, is I'm forced to grow. Yeah,

Janice Porter:

exactly. So along with the direct sales company

Janice Porter:

that you've been with for all of that time, I know that you that

Janice Porter:

you're certified mindset coach, certified master mindset coach,

Janice Porter:

and you also teach this four week course called T, as in T,

Janice Porter:

dot, e dot, a which stands for thoughts guide our emotions and

Janice Porter:

influence our actions. And I want to start there, because I

Janice Porter:

just took this course with you, and I know my audience can't see

Janice Porter:

this, but eventually, maybe they will. And that is the booklet

Janice Porter:

that went with the course called T. And you did such a great job,

Janice Porter:

Mary, that I wanted to start there, because everything about

Janice Porter:

that program speaks to relationship, and in this case,

Janice Porter:

relationship with self, and it's really an important thing that a

Janice Porter:

lot of us let go by the wayside Having self care and learning

Janice Porter:

more about ourselves and being not so hard on ourselves all the

Janice Porter:

time. So I'd love you to tell my audience a little bit about the

Janice Porter:

program and maybe even how it started, and what your what your

Janice Porter:

wishes for it.

Mary Kominska:

I love that. Thank you, Janice, and I was so

Mary Kominska:

grateful that you joined it and that you found value in it. And

Mary Kominska:

the journey to be where I am is quite interesting. And I think

Mary Kominska:

everyone is because we all have a story. I it was in 2018 and if

Mary Kominska:

you had asked me if I had boundaries, I said yes, but I

Mary Kominska:

really didn't. I would tell you what you could or couldn't do,

Mary Kominska:

but I didn't really know how to communicate it, and I sure as

Mary Kominska:

heck didn't know how to follow through with it. And so the day

Mary Kominska:

that I needed to call the police, and my son was arrested

Mary Kominska:

from my house for using heroin, there happened to be a

Mary Kominska:

boundaries class that night, and I said yes, and I went down

Mary Kominska:

there, not knowing what I was walking into. Lots of signs

Mary Kominska:

pointed me to why I was supposed to be there. So I ended up,

Mary Kominska:

after a year of practicing, get a phone call asking if I would

Mary Kominska:

be interested in CO facilitating the class. And I was like,

Mary Kominska:

You're funny. Like, I ain't got these figured out. And, and she

Mary Kominska:

said, No. She said, You are practicing them. That's what

Mary Kominska:

it's all about. And and I'm seeing the results of what

Mary Kominska:

you're doing with your son and even with your business. And so

Mary Kominska:

I really just, I want, I want you to spend some time and just

Mary Kominska:

really process that. And what have I got to lose, right? Like,

Mary Kominska:

I'm going to learn. Because a lot of times when we teach, we

Mary Kominska:

learn even more than that, absolutely, right. And so that

Mary Kominska:

started a beautiful journey, and did that for over three years.

Mary Kominska:

And even when COVID hit, it was in person, and we were at the

Mary Kominska:

process wanting it to go to multiple locations. It was only

Mary Kominska:

at one location, and we were wanting it to get to multiple

Mary Kominska:

locations. And then we had finally gotten one at one

Mary Kominska:

location, the one at the big location where I was and COVID

Mary Kominska:

hit, and we had to figure out what to do and zoom it became.

Mary Kominska:

And so we took those two courses and and then everything was on

Mary Kominska:

Zoom. And Janice, you gotta realize, I heard you say four

Mary Kominska:

weeks, and you just went through. Four weeks when I first

Mary Kominska:

took the course the boundaries, actual course itself, it was

Mary Kominska:

nine weeks. It then became 13 weeks because everybody wanted

Mary Kominska:

it longer. It was also two and a half hours

Janice Porter:

each each class, each week, each week. So what

Janice Porter:

was the actual name? It wasn't just called boundaries. Oh, just

Janice Porter:

boundaries. Okay.

Mary Kominska:

Dr Henry Cloud and Townsend are the ones who

Mary Kominska:

wrote it. It's been around for years. Oh, okay. It is very,

Mary Kominska:

very scripture. Heavy. It is. It was very biblical, blue written,

Mary Kominska:

okay, and but it's very, it was very life changing for me. One

Mary Kominska:

of the things that I found throughout it though Janice is

Mary Kominska:

they never talked about thoughts. And so I would come

Mary Kominska:

along as a facilitator, saying, everything starts in your

Mary Kominska:

thoughts. So as a facilitator, I could kind of create my own

Mary Kominska:

thing. And I mean, the the concept is great, and it was

Mary Kominska:

fab, feelings, attitudes, behavior. And so when the time

Mary Kominska:

came, the main guy who was facilitating it with me, life

Mary Kominska:

had changed for him. Life had changed for me. And I knew that

Mary Kominska:

I was being called to write this course, but I also knew that it

Mary Kominska:

was to have zero scripture. It was only to be about the human

Mary Kominska:

experience, so that anybody, it does not matter and and I

Mary Kominska:

haven't figured out a better term, so please forgive me,

Mary Kominska:

because I really don't know a better way to say this, but I

Mary Kominska:

dumbed it down so that anybody, probably freshmen, maybe even

Mary Kominska:

eighth grade, all the way to 100 years old, could understand and

Mary Kominska:

grasp what's In this course. So it took nine months to write,

Mary Kominska:

and that was in 2023 so kind of like birthing a baby, right? I

Mary Kominska:

have a friend who actually, you got to know her through the

Mary Kominska:

course, Pam and I, she was, she became a facilitator with us as

Mary Kominska:

well in the boundaries journey. And so I had called her and

Mary Kominska:

said, Hey, what would you think about helping me on this

Mary Kominska:

journey? She's like, I think it's great. I think it's exactly

Mary Kominska:

what's needed, as well as my sister. I had involved her in it

Mary Kominska:

as well. And so the three of us, kind of, in a roundabout way, I

Mary Kominska:

wrote it, but they helped bring it to life. And it was, I

Mary Kominska:

started it January of 24 and it was simply a so I rotate one

Mary Kominska:

month it's on Zoom, the next month is in person, here in

Mary Kominska:

Mesa, on zoom in person. And it was, I would print you each week

Mary Kominska:

and bring it or email it to you. And through that same networking

Mary Kominska:

group that we met, I also got to meet Rebecca, who was a

Mary Kominska:

published author, and did a one to one with her, and she's like,

Mary Kominska:

Mary, you're 95% done. Why don't you make it a workbook? And I

Mary Kominska:

was like, Oh, wait, what? So did not see published author

Mary Kominska:

becoming part of this journey. So hopefully that answers kind

Mary Kominska:

of your

Janice Porter:

question. Well, it does, it does so. But when

Janice Porter:

you were, you know, reaching out and searching because you were

Janice Porter:

dealing with the issues with your son. Was it through the

Janice Porter:

church that you would find this boundaries? Course, then, is

Janice Porter:

that it? Yes,

Mary Kominska:

okay, 100% and there was a lot of my people in

Mary Kominska:

my life that I love dearly, that because it was at a church, they

Mary Kominska:

wouldn't take the class, but I knew that they needed it in

Mary Kominska:

their lives, right?

Janice Porter:

Well, I think instead of saying you're dumbing

Janice Porter:

it down, I think maybe that what you you might want to think

Janice Porter:

about is saying something like you SEC secularized, that if I

Janice Porter:

can say that word and or that you that you wanted it to reach

Janice Porter:

more people. So you, I like that. Put it in lay terms, or

Janice Porter:

you made it about, like you said, you said, the you use the

Janice Porter:

term, it's about the power of the human right, or the, yeah,

Janice Porter:

the human experience, that yeah, so that to make it about the

Janice Porter:

human experience. And I think, and you say, I've got a quote

Janice Porter:

here from you. She's, I say you're passionate about

Janice Porter:

empowering people to be the best and beautiful you that you were

Janice Porter:

created to be inside and out. And that's really the essence

Janice Porter:

that it could be, right? So yeah, and I like

Mary Kominska:

that. Thank you for those new words. And see

Mary Kominska:

that's another thing about growth. Every day is an

Mary Kominska:

opportunity to learn something different and to flip the script

Mary Kominska:

on what you say,

Janice Porter:

yeah. I wanted more people to experience it,

Janice Porter:

yeah. So I put it into language, or I put it into a layman's

Janice Porter:

terms, yeah, layman's terms. I put it into a way that more

Janice Porter:

people could, that I could reach more people with it. And I think

Janice Porter:

that's the key right there. And one of the sections in the

Janice Porter:

course that you that, that I just experienced was, was the

Janice Porter:

the last one, which is about self care, self care, and that's

Janice Porter:

where so many of us struggle, because we don't realize what we

Janice Porter:

don't what we're doing to ourselves, and we don't realize

Janice Porter:

what's what's missing. Perhaps. Or how our life could be more

Janice Porter:

fun or more full or whatever, until somebody stops us in our

Janice Porter:

tracks and says, Hey, you know, are you doing this? This, this

Janice Porter:

and this, or are you not doing this? This is this. And I

Janice Porter:

noticed everybody was different in the class, you know, like you

Janice Porter:

ask us a question to share or something, I'm always the first

Janice Porter:

one to speak, because I don't want it to be dead silence, and

Janice Porter:

I don't know what I'm going to say, but I usually will, you

Janice Porter:

know, try to break the ice, because that's who I am. And

Janice Porter:

some people are more reluctant, and I feel as though they were

Janice Porter:

heavier. Some of the people that were there, you know, and had

Janice Porter:

more issues. I don't think I've ever been, um, in I don't know,

Janice Porter:

like this is a good question. Actually, we all have our

Janice Porter:

struggles, and we all have our problems, and we all have our

Janice Porter:

problem people in our lives and things like that, and but I have

Janice Porter:

not walked in the shoes that you've walked in, and I I know

Janice Porter:

that you're an open book, and I know that your story is on your

Janice Porter:

website, and it's a long one, and it's a troubled one. I mean,

Janice Porter:

you've been through hell and back, to be honest, in many

Janice Porter:

ways, from when you were a child, and to look at you now,

Janice Porter:

which is how I met you, I would have had no idea. Okay, so kudos

Janice Porter:

to you for being strong enough to bring yourself through all of

Janice Porter:

the the issues in your world and help and now helping others. But

Janice Porter:

I don't know. I never had that. I had a normal upbringing with

Janice Porter:

two parents who and a sister, and, you know, yeah, my parents

Janice Porter:

fought, but you know, it wasn't like your life that I read

Janice Porter:

about. And so I always wonder, if you haven't had the extremes,

Janice Porter:

whether you can grow as much. I don't know if that's making

Janice Porter:

sense, but no, it

Mary Kominska:

completely makes sense. And I here, here's what I

Mary Kominska:

can tell you my sister, for example, I met her at the bus

Mary Kominska:

stop of seventh grade.

Janice Porter:

She, oh, wait a second, that's now what you who

Janice Porter:

you call your sister? Yes. What was her name?

Mary Kominska:

Legally Tammy. Tammy, right. Yeah, okay. Her

Mary Kominska:

family legally adopted me on my 17th birthday, as you read in my

Mary Kominska:

story, right? So I made her at the bus stop of seventh grade.

Mary Kominska:

Yeah, and you have to read the about me on my website to find

Mary Kominska:

out the on that. A little teaser for you. But she was that way.

Mary Kominska:

She grew up with two parents and and two siblings and

Janice Porter:

and, and you wanted her family, you wanted to

Mary Kominska:

did. I did, right? And so, but even when I

Mary Kominska:

got inside, it wasn't all roses and right, but flies, right? I

Mary Kominska:

mean, the majority of it was, don't get me wrong, but every

Mary Kominska:

family has their own thing, and even if it's not you, there is

Mary Kominska:

somebody in your life. If you and I love that, your whole

Mary Kominska:

thing is about relationships, because that's what I'm about to

Mary Kominska:

write, personal and professional. You really get to

Mary Kominska:

know somebody by asking them the right questions. A lot of us, so

Mary Kominska:

we come from the generation of it's none your business. Shove

Mary Kominska:

it under the rug. What happens behind closed doors stays behind

Mary Kominska:

closed doors. And so like for me, I was dying inside on the

Mary Kominska:

outside, just like I heard you say you would never have guessed

Mary Kominska:

the one I walked through, I wasn't I wasn't told I should

Mary Kominska:

have won an Academy Award, because nobody would have ever

Mary Kominska:

guessed right, and because I didn't want anybody to know.

Mary Kominska:

Yeah, but that was stressful. It is, it is so not healthy. It is

Mary Kominska:

so not healthy. And hurt people, hurt people. So I was a hurt

Mary Kominska:

human, hurting other humans, but it wasn't what I meant to do.

Mary Kominska:

That's not what I wanted to do, but you were hurting yourself

Mary Kominska:

too. I was, I was and I didn't think that anything was wrong

Mary Kominska:

with me. And going to a therapist has such a stigma, and

Mary Kominska:

I'm so grateful that we're finally getting to the point

Mary Kominska:

where it's healthy to go. It's not a stigma to go but I think

Mary Kominska:

two of the important things Janice is I know that when I

Mary Kominska:

started in network marketing and I started having a team, I

Mary Kominska:

became a leader. I never saw myself as a leader. Just because

Mary Kominska:

I had people on the team, I never saw myself as a leader.

Mary Kominska:

And so when I heard the words, the hardest person you're ever

Mary Kominska:

going to lead is yourself. That was powerful to me, because we

Mary Kominska:

lead people all day long. We lead our spouses, we lead our

Mary Kominska:

children, we lead our friends. But it's true, the hardest

Mary Kominska:

person we ever lead is ourselves and boundaries. Sure, boundaries

Mary Kominska:

is about other people, but the hardest people we ever have

Mary Kominska:

boundaries with is ourselves. Yeah, right. So even if you have

Mary Kominska:

not had the to Hell and Back life that I have, there's still

Mary Kominska:

always something that's so deep bedded in in our subconscious

Mary Kominska:

that's causing you to do what you do today that stems all the

Mary Kominska:

way back that you

Janice Porter:

don't even have a memory. Yes. Yes, yes, I can

Janice Porter:

think of an example too. Actually, I struggle daily with

Janice Porter:

my relationship with my girls, my two daughters, they're

Janice Porter:

leading their own lives and they're they're here, but

Janice Porter:

they're leading their own lives, and they're busy and whatever,

Janice Porter:

and they don't call, you know, they text when they want

Janice Porter:

something. And then my daughter, one one of my daughters, was

Janice Porter:

away for two weeks, and she on business, and she was really

Janice Porter:

sick when she got home, so I didn't see her. She was supposed

Janice Porter:

to come over Sunday. I didn't see her, so I called Monday to

Janice Porter:

see how she was like I said, You want me to send food over? Do

Janice Porter:

you want me? Whatever? No, I'm just going to go to sleep, Mom,

Janice Porter:

I I call on FaceTime, and she doesn't take my call, and then I

Janice Porter:

called her again last night. She's got no time, no time, and

Janice Porter:

so I'm supposed to understand that and let it be right. And

Janice Porter:

then I It eats me up inside, and then I have this other piece

Janice Porter:

that's in my back of my mind, saying how I was when my mother

Janice Porter:

called me, yeah, and my mother would say, I haven't heard from

Janice Porter:

you for two weeks, and right away, my back's up right, right?

Janice Porter:

So it's just, it's so weird, but it's all, it's there, like it's

Janice Porter:

inside, or it is

Mary Kominska:

way so subconscious. Yeah, it is so

Mary Kominska:

subconscious. But you know, it's interesting, Janice, because

Mary Kominska:

what I just heard you say was so powerful. You I didn't hear

Mary Kominska:

these words until my son was 25 years old. Raise your children

Mary Kominska:

to leave you and not need you, right? Yeah. And so that's not

Mary Kominska:

what I was shown. That's not what my friends were shown, but

Mary Kominska:

that's absolutely what you did with your girls. The other thing

Mary Kominska:

that was powerful that I heard you say, and I've had this

Mary Kominska:

struggle with some friends and my son as well, how come you

Mary Kominska:

only call me when you need something? Yeah, right. And they

Mary Kominska:

should be glad that they're calling us right, right? But at

Mary Kominska:

the same token, call us because you want to know how we are. You

Mary Kominska:

want, like, not because you want something from us, right? And I

Mary Kominska:

think that that's super important with relationships.

Mary Kominska:

Don't be the person that the only time you call someone is

Mary Kominska:

because you need something from them, right? And I think during

Mary Kominska:

COVID, that was a really big wake up call, just checking in.

Mary Kominska:

How are you? How are you feeling through all this? How's your

Mary Kominska:

family? And let's not get away from that just because we're

Mary Kominska:

four or five years past it. Let's stick true to that, right?

Mary Kominska:

And, and just a simple phone call, and even if they don't

Mary Kominska:

answer, leave a voicemail, you know, hey, checking in on you.

Mary Kominska:

How you doing? We'd love to hear your voice. Yeah, you don't want

Mary Kominska:

anything. And I think that as relationships, we need to get

Mary Kominska:

back to that.

Janice Porter:

Yeah, it's very true. It's very true. So how do

Janice Porter:

you how do you divide your time? Or do you, because I know that

Janice Porter:

you've done as I have, and I love this that you've done on

Janice Porter:

your website, you've got in your your sections of your website,

Janice Porter:

have your course, and then what you call inside beauty, outside

Janice Porter:

beauty. So you've got an umbrella over the things that

Janice Porter:

you do, which love the best and beautiful you. And how do you

Janice Porter:

divide your time? Does it come and you're very organized about

Janice Porter:

your time. So do you or do you lean towards like, Do you love

Janice Porter:

life coaching right now more than you love doing your your

Janice Porter:

Avon business. I don't mind saying that it's your Avon

Janice Porter:

business or, you know, or is it the course that you're promoting

Janice Porter:

and then teaching? So how do you balance it all? Or do you

Mary Kominska:

Well, it's kind of a juggling act, because on

Mary Kominska:

top of all that, I've also added such oh yes Jean yes to to as if

Mary Kominska:

I don't have enough to do. And I, as you learned in the T

Mary Kominska:

course, I talk about jam sessions, I talk about, I love

Mary Kominska:

that. And it's not time management, it's person

Mary Kominska:

management, right? Because we all have 24 hours a day, seven

Mary Kominska:

days a week. There is not one person that, because you have a

Mary Kominska:

different skin color or your bank account looks different,

Mary Kominska:

you don't have any more time or less time than I do, so it

Mary Kominska:

doesn't matter, right? And so when I learned that it was

Mary Kominska:

person management, and again, back to boundaries and leading

Mary Kominska:

myself is where that comes from. And so I do them in chunks and I

Mary Kominska:

do them in jam sessions, but I also have to allow myself time

Mary Kominska:

to fill up on me, going back to week four of the course, right?

Mary Kominska:

Self care, I have to fill up on me. And so the last two days, I

Mary Kominska:

have not been Go, go, go out of the home. I've been Go, go, go

Mary Kominska:

in the home, but I gave myself two extra naps. What is that?

Mary Kominska:

Right? Today is a go, go, go. But as you also learned in the T

Mary Kominska:

course, I do a lot of white space, and I give myself 30

Mary Kominska:

minutes in between. Heck, I gave myself an hour in between my

Mary Kominska:

last one to meet you, and I barely made it by the center,

Mary Kominska:

because again, I got stuck by a train and I got stuck by

Mary Kominska:

somebody wanted to have a conversation with me. So you

Mary Kominska:

have to find your sweet spot. And so when you're juggling

Mary Kominska:

multiple. Things You know, even think about a young mama, um,

Mary Kominska:

you're juggling a job, you're juggling activities, you're

Mary Kominska:

juggling food prep, you're juggling shopping, you're

Mary Kominska:

juggling all these things you've got to make sure that you fill

Mary Kominska:

up on you first and foremost before you pour out

Janice Porter:

to everything and everybody else put the life mask

Janice Porter:

on you before anybody right? You learned last night, good job,

Janice Porter:

yeah, oh yeah. I that one, I know, but I thought about you

Janice Porter:

today, because after my my last call, it was over at noon, my

Janice Porter:

time, and I wanted to go grab a bite to eat. And so I I got

Janice Porter:

myself a sandwich and a cup of tea, and I put the TV on, and I

Janice Porter:

sat down for half an hour, and I thought about you, and I

Janice Porter:

thought, yeah, Mary would approve of this. So this is,

Janice Porter:

yeah, yeah. And then back at it.

Mary Kominska:

No, you, they couldn't see me. I was talking

Mary Kominska:

for you.

Janice Porter:

So it's, it's, um, yeah, it's, it's, it's,

Janice Porter:

actually, it's, it's kind of the reward, in a way, for being

Janice Porter:

one's own boss and being able to, you know, make those

Janice Porter:

decisions. But we have to do it wisely, and we have to,

Janice Porter:

otherwise we're not going to get anywhere. Of course. We have to

Janice Porter:

have those boundaries, but we also have to have those that the

Janice Porter:

drive to to get up and go back to work, you know, to do it.

Mary Kominska:

Yeah. And how many times have you said, or

Mary Kominska:

have you heard somebody say when you ask, how are you Oh, I'm

Mary Kominska:

busy. Oh, I'm busy. Busy doing what? Busy chasing your tail.

Mary Kominska:

Because that's, that's what I used to do, until I learned

Mary Kominska:

these skills and put them to use and all that. And so there's a

Mary Kominska:

difference between being busy and being productive. And so you

Mary Kominska:

were productive by sitting down having lunch, watching that 30

Mary Kominska:

minutes of TV, you were productive because then you're

Mary Kominska:

you're you're taking your body down, you're calming your

Mary Kominska:

cortisol, you're doing all that so that you can then go be

Mary Kominska:

productive, right? Work again. So even if you're sitting on the

Mary Kominska:

couch eating Bon Bon, you are being productive for like, two

Mary Kominska:

hours. I'm

Janice Porter:

just saying, yeah, yeah. Just saying, right.

Janice Porter:

So in the back of the book that the book workbook that we have

Janice Porter:

from your course, there's a very long list of books that you have

Janice Porter:

read and recommend. Do you read constantly? Are you reading now?

Janice Porter:

What are you reading now? So

Mary Kominska:

right now, I actually was, I love being on

Mary Kominska:

book launches, and I was on a book launch for the book that

Mary Kominska:

I'm reading now, and it was, I am an audible girl, so okay, to

Mary Kominska:

my sister for a second, I have a stack of books, and I always had

Mary Kominska:

intentions of reading them, but to sit and actually do that. It

Mary Kominska:

was just too hard. But when I'm folding laundry or I'm doing

Mary Kominska:

doing mundane things, I can listen. So my sister turned me

Mary Kominska:

on to Audible, and I fought her. You know, typical,

Janice Porter:

typical. I'm still fighting it, because I'm

Janice Porter:

not, I know.

Mary Kominska:

I know. Well, I'm telling you, it's powerful. It's

Mary Kominska:


Janice Porter:

Well, I listen to podcasts, so I'm sure it

Janice Porter:

wouldn't be that big of

Mary Kominska:

it is so good. It is so good. And so I found that

Mary Kominska:

even as being on the book launch, because I needed to read

Mary Kominska:

it on Kindle, even just to sit and do that, it was so hard I

Mary Kominska:

don't like doing so I know. And so it came out on the 21st and

Mary Kominska:

it was on Audible, and I already pre ordered it on Audible, so,

Mary Kominska:

but it's called joyful outsiders. And so I believe most

Mary Kominska:

people know what FOMO is. Do you know what FOMO is? What is FOMO?

Mary Kominska:

Fear Of Missing Out. Okay, what is Jomo? Let's flip that script.

Mary Kominska:

What's Jomo?

Janice Porter:

I'm going to guess his joy of missing out,

Janice Porter:


Mary Kominska:

absolutely. And even as I was learning

Mary Kominska:

boundaries, and I was learning different things, that being a I

Mary Kominska:

always had this FOMO, I always had this fear of missing out.

Mary Kominska:

And so years ago, I flipped the script to Jomo and so, and then

Mary Kominska:

I always felt like an outsider. I've always felt like an

Mary Kominska:

outsider. I've always felt like an outsider. And so when this

Mary Kominska:

book now, these authors, they are pastors, just for clarity,

Mary Kominska:

yeah, they did write a book called Truth over tribe, which

Mary Kominska:

was a very powerful book, and that's how I met them. And so

Mary Kominska:

then they have a podcast. So I started listening to their

Mary Kominska:

podcast after I read their book. And then on the podcast, they

Mary Kominska:

announced they were doing the book launch, and because of I

Mary Kominska:

know they're not going to be able to be able to see it,

Mary Kominska:

Janice, but you will. It's okay. So as being part of the book

Mary Kominska:

launch, the first 100 people, got this cool Jomo hat. Love it.

Janice Porter:

Hang on. Hang on.

Mary Kominska:

Okay, okay, okay,

Janice Porter:

okay, alright, here we go. Ready Set smile.

Janice Porter:

Okay, that's very cute. Very cute. Alright,

Mary Kominska:

so joyful. Outsiders is what I'm listening

Mary Kominska:

to now. I do a book a month. Sometimes I do maybe a little

Mary Kominska:

bit more. I have a few extra credits because I've been

Mary Kominska:

listening to more podcasts, listening to your podcast,

Mary Kominska:

listening to some newer ones that i. I've been introduced to,

Mary Kominska:

but when I'm in my car, it's podcast and audible. I don't

Mary Kominska:

listen to music. I don't listen to any of them I know. So yeah,

Mary Kominska:

that's what I'm reading now. And that that list in the back that

Mary Kominska:

is, trust me, I had to narrow it down, and it was really hard to

Mary Kominska:

narrow down, because that list is probably five times what I've

Mary Kominska:

actually read five times more than what made it in the

Mary Kominska:


Janice Porter:

Wow, that's amazing. So are you still as

Janice Porter:

excited about building a team in your direct sales company as you

Janice Porter:

were back when you started?

Mary Kominska:

So here, that's a great question. And so here's

Mary Kominska:

what I have to tell you. The answer is yes. With the however,

Mary Kominska:

in the very beginning, again, I didn't see myself as a leader,

Mary Kominska:

but the person, and not even the person who brought me to the

Mary Kominska:

business, but her person, saw something in me that I didn't

Mary Kominska:

see in myself. And that's usually how it goes, right?

Mary Kominska:

Yeah. And so I had built this team. I was, at one point I was

Mary Kominska:

like number two in Arizona, and then Avon made some poor

Mary Kominska:

choices. Mary made some poor choices. Life happens, and the

Mary Kominska:

last couple of years it I haven't even offered the

Mary Kominska:

business at all the last couple of years. However, December of

Mary Kominska:

24 they made some incredible changes to where I've started

Mary Kominska:

offering the opportunity at a couple times a week now. So it's

Mary Kominska:

almost like there's this new found, fresh excitement that has

Mary Kominska:

come on to me. That was there 18 and a half will be 19 years in

Mary Kominska:

June, that I joined this business, right? And so it's

Mary Kominska:

back, and I'm super excited about it.

Janice Porter:

That's interesting, because it's, it's,

Janice Porter:

it's actually very similar with Send Out Cards I just got. I was

Janice Porter:

on a call yesterday because there they asked me to be part

Janice Porter:

of this group to beta test this new card editor that's coming

Janice Porter:

out soon, which is really exciting. And there were a

Janice Porter:

couple of people on this call that I hadn't seen for years,

Janice Porter:

who have just resurfaced, and it seems like that's what's

Janice Porter:

happening. Maybe it's the world, maybe it's the industry, maybe

Janice Porter:

it's just these people that have come back around. But there's

Janice Porter:

something happening because, well, there's a lot happening,

Janice Porter:

right, especially in the United States, but we don't want yeah,

Janice Porter:

there is, yeah, and I think even

Mary Kominska:

on Facebook memories. I just love Facebook

Mary Kominska:

memories. But two years ago, this right now, I was in New

Mary Kominska:

York. I was one of 50 out of 10s of 1000s selected to be a voice

Mary Kominska:

for the field. And so I got to go to New York and be I. It was

Mary Kominska:

brand beehive. Was a group I was in. A lot did not come out of

Mary Kominska:

that. There's been some shift. And LG, which is a Korean, South

Mary Kominska:

Korean based company, they bought the North America side of

Mary Kominska:

Avon back, yes. And so their home and household, that's why

Mary Kominska:

we can offer Korean beauty that we have, and they own reach and

Mary Kominska:

example. And now Canada and Avon are uniting forces. So now

Mary Kominska:

Canada is now part of the US, and they're still trying to make

Mary Kominska:

it to where people in Canada, I don't know if it's going to

Mary Kominska:

happen, because I know there's all the tariffs, all those

Mary Kominska:

different things, but, but now Canada and the US coming

Mary Kominska:

together. I think that that was a really good shift for Avon as

Mary Kominska:

well. So a lot of good things have come, but it's only been in

Mary Kominska:

the last few months. Well, that's

Janice Porter:

interesting, though. LG, I think of

Janice Porter:

appliances and television,

Mary Kominska:

TV and yeah, yeah, yeah, there's, that's an

Mary Kominska:

umbrella. So it's the LG, H and H, home and household. Yeah, got

Mary Kominska:

it, household, at home, something like that. But that's

Mary Kominska:

where, yeah, as so there's, there's so much to offer.

Janice Porter:

So my theory is that there's only five people

Janice Porter:

that that, that own the world. Anyway, it's like, you know,

Janice Porter:

that own everything. I was talking, I don't, wasn't on my

Janice Porter:

podcast. I was talking to someone last week. I don't think

Janice Porter:

it was on my podcast. I'm not sure if it was someone who's

Janice Porter:

going, Oh, it was someone who's coming on my podcast. I don't

Janice Porter:

know. And he was telling me, oh yeah, it was a guy I met on

Janice Porter:

LinkedIn, really interesting guy, and he used to work for

Janice Porter:

George Lucas for 20 years, yeah. And he we talked about that

Janice Porter:

because I love entertainment industry and everything, and it

Janice Porter:

was bought by Disney, and Disney has not done it well, apparently

Janice Porter:

it right. But Disney owns ABC Television Network. Disney owns

Janice Porter:

ESPN. It owns a bunch of stuff, right? But when I was we were

Janice Porter:

talking to this guy. He said to me that the the company that

Janice Porter:

owns the biggest share of Disney, so actually, rules

Janice Porter:

Disney is not Disney or a founding family member. It's

Janice Porter:

Black, Black Rock. Is it called? I think that's an. It's a big

Janice Porter:

company that's multinational investment type company, and

Janice Porter:

they have, if not, the biggest shares, the second biggest

Janice Porter:

number of shares, voting shares to Disney. The first person is,

Janice Porter:

got this, right? Jeff Bezos his ex wife, and he's the guy that

Janice Porter:

owns Amazon, yeah, so, like, Mackenzie, yeah, that's right,

Janice Porter:

Mackenzie. Like, they've got, right? It's like, there's five

Janice Porter:

people that they all own everything, right? So

Janice Porter:

experience, I think it's called Black Rock. But anyway, very

Janice Porter:

fascinating. So I know that you probably I'm curious to know

Janice Porter:

what your answer will be to this, my last second to last

Janice Porter:

question, and that is my favorite word, is curiosity, and

Janice Porter:

I want to know whether you think it is innate or learned, and

Janice Porter:

what you're most curious about today. So, two part question,

Mary Kominska:

two part question, I love it, you know, I

Mary Kominska:

I believe that it is innate in us. Think about when we were

Mary Kominska:

little. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? And then adults shut that

Mary Kominska:

down. They dull that Spirit in us. And so we stopped learning.

Mary Kominska:

And then there's that same curiosity killed the cat. No, we

Mary Kominska:

didn't, right? So I think curiosity is there. I think you

Mary Kominska:

have to tap into it as an adult. And I am always curious about

Mary Kominska:

other people when I learned to ask the right questions, instead

Mary Kominska:

of, how are you, so instead of how are you, what exciting thing

Mary Kominska:

is, is happening in your life right now? Or what's what are

Mary Kominska:

you looking forward to this week or this year or whatever? Right

Mary Kominska:

so learning to have those different questions opens that

Mary Kominska:

curiosity spark. And so I'm always curious about other

Mary Kominska:

people and their story, and helping them pull out their

Mary Kominska:

story like others did for me along the journey.

Janice Porter:

Nice. All right. And last question, what is your

Janice Porter:

favorite or best piece of advice you would like to leave with my

Janice Porter:


Mary Kominska:

So there are so many, but I think as I land this

Mary Kominska:

plane, when I was working full time in corporate America, and I

Mary Kominska:

was making more in my side gig business than I was a corporate

Mary Kominska:

and I wanted to do this full time, I fought because we were

Mary Kominska:

the Only department that did not have part time. I fought

Mary Kominska:

corporate. I won. This was when the last downturn happened in

Mary Kominska:

2012 and I was laid off shortly, shortly after. Okay, to this

Mary Kominska:

day, that department still has part time. So I'm I right, but I

Mary Kominska:

decided, Okay, I'm going to figure out, I'm going to spend

Mary Kominska:

the weekend, and then I'm going to figure out how to do this

Mary Kominska:

thing full time. I'm happy to report, it took me eight years

Mary Kominska:

to figure out how to do it. Okay, because you don't have

Mary Kominska:

somebody telling you what to do, when to do it, how to do it,

Mary Kominska:

right? It comes back to that personal management meeting,

Mary Kominska:

manage yourself. But the advice, and this was from a dear friend.

Mary Kominska:

We don't chat anymore, and I don't know why. It's one of

Mary Kominska:

those, we just kind of went our separate ways, but she was a

Mary Kominska:

coach of mine at the time, and if we weren't friends, I don't

Mary Kominska:

know that I would have ever spoken to her, but it's one of

Mary Kominska:

the best advice. And she said to me one day, Mary, you're full of

Mary Kominska:

great ideas. When are you going to do something with them? And

Mary Kominska:

that just like smacked me, even though we weren't face to face,

Mary Kominska:

we're over the phone, but it was like She smacked me across the

Mary Kominska:

face. And from that moment on, I decided I'm going to tell you

Mary Kominska:

what I've done, not what I'm going to do. So don't tell

Mary Kominska:

people what you're going to do. Show them what you've

Janice Porter:

done. Beautiful. That's really good advice.

Janice Porter:

Totally, yeah, totally good advice. Love this. Thank you,

Janice Porter:

Mary. How can people find you? And I will put it in the show

Janice Porter:

notes. And if you're interested in looking into your course, or

Janice Porter:

they need some Avon products, and they've lost that person,

Janice Porter:

right? How can they find

Mary Kominska:

you so best and beautiful, you do com all

Mary Kominska:

spelled out, B, E, S, T, the word and spelled out, a, n, D,

Mary Kominska:

B, E, A, U, T, i, f, U, L and the word you all spelled out, y,

Mary Kominska:

o, u.com, gives everything in one stop shop. You can find my

Mary Kominska:

tea course the about will tell you the story. You can read that

Mary Kominska:

story and get some more details about meeting my sister. Your

Mary Kominska:

outside beauty is Avon, and then your inside beauty is just a

Mary Kominska:

little bit of things right, my life coaching. So whatever,

Mary Kominska:

whatever I can do to support you, to help you, and not even

Mary Kominska:

to help you, to empower you to be the best and beautiful you

Mary Kominska:

that you were created to be inside and out. I would love an

Mary Kominska:

opportunity, but at the same token, one thing you can do for

Mary Kominska:

absolutely free, my favorite four letter F word is go to the

Mary Kominska:

contact me and. And join my mailing list. I promise I don't

Mary Kominska:

spam you. I send a newsletter once a week and a blog once a

Mary Kominska:

month. That's what you'll get from me, unless you want

Mary Kominska:

something more than let me know. But that's something you can do

Mary Kominska:

for fre. That's the usual social like Justin beautiful. You on

Mary Kominska:

Facebook, on Insta and LinkedIn, and I'm Mary commensal on

Mary Kominska:

LinkedIn, right? But I don't do any of the x or Tik Tok or any I

Mary Kominska:

think I'm on Pinterest, but I never go on there, but I think

Mary Kominska:

I'm on there.

Janice Porter:

Well, thank you again for being for your time

Janice Porter:

and for your wisdom, and I appreciate you being here. Thank

Janice Porter:

you to my audience for being here, and remember to stay

Janice Porter:

connected and be remembered. Thank

Mary Kominska:

you. You're welcome.

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About the Podcast

Relationships Rule
It’s always about Relationships!
Imagine that 68% of our clients leave because they feel we don’t care. Then visualize having authentic heart-based retention strategies, proven to minimize client losses, while organically generating a substantial number of loyal clients through referrals.

Catch a glimpse of how Janice opens a conversation by applying her fine-tuned curiosity. Notice how genuinely interested she is in building a relationship with her guests – heart-based business owners and entrepreneurs. In mere minutes, guests generously share their most sweet and powerful retention systems that you can adopt today!

As a seasoned relationship marketing specialist, Janice invites us to listen in weekly, as she reveals how to nurture and build relationships in real-time.

The Relationships Rule podcast’s aim, is to help you naturally ease your networking fears, so you can adopt strategies that amplify your client list, because the facts are, that today, success is built on a foundation of strong relationships. You can relax now, knowing you can activate your relationship marketing plan, by simply tuning in to Relationships Rule each week.

About your host

Profile picture for Janice Porter

Janice Porter

I began my career as a teacher, was a corporate trainer for many years, and have now found my niche in coaching business owners to network at a world-class level.
My passion is working with motivated people, who are coachable and who want to build their businesses through relationship marketing and networking (offline & online). I help my clients create retention strategies, grow through referrals, and create loyal customers by staying connected.