Episode 243

Published on:

30th Jan 2024

Get Ready to Vibe With the ‘Why Whisperer’ - Janette Anderson | RR243

From corporate chaos to kickstarting 'Bodacity', Janette spills the beans on her 40-year adventure. She shares her transition, challenges, and the compelling story behind the inception of 'Bodacity'.

Tune in as we discuss the intersection of ageism, sexism, and entrepreneurship, shedding light on the need for inclusivity, understanding, and empowerment. Janette emphasizes the importance of purpose-driven entrepreneurship, the significance of knowing one's 'why', and offers insights into the challenges faced by ‘Maturepreneurs’.

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting on your journey, this episode offers invaluable wisdom, inspiration, and actionable insights to propel you forward with passion, purpose, and authenticity.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Jannette’s story of shifting from fear to love and empowering women in business
  • The importance of understanding your "whys" to stand out in a global marketplace
  • Why you should tailor your strategies according to your current stage in business, rather than trying to follow the tactics of those ahead
  • Why getting a clear picture of what you're building matters
  • How older women are ignored and marginalized
  • Why we have to shift the perception of aging in the entrepreneurial world
  • What are some of the biggest mistakes Maturepreneurs (mature entrepreneurs) make

You can reach her at: jannette@bodacity.ca

Learn more about Jannette : https://www.bodacity.ca/

A little about me: 

I began my career as a teacher, was a corporate trainer for many years, and then found my niche training & supporting business owners, entrepreneurs & sales professionals to network at a world-class level. My passion is working with motivated people, who are coachable and who want to build their businesses through relationship marketing and networking (online & offline). I help my clients create retention strategies, grow through referrals, and create loyal customers by staying connected. 

In appreciation for being here, I have a couple of items for you. 

A LinkedIn Checklist for setting up your fully optimized Profile:  

An opportunity to test drive the Follow Up system I recommend by taking the  

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Janice Porter:

Hi, everyone, and welcome to this week's episode

Janice Porter:

of relationships rule. My guest this week is Jeanette Anderson.

Janice Porter:

And there's one word to describe Jeanette and her business and

Janice Porter:

that is booty bodacious. I couldn't even get it right the

Janice Porter:

first time. bodacious. I love that word. And first of all,

Janice Porter:

welcome to the show, Jeanette,

Jannette Anderson:

thank you so much. I am so happy to be here.

Janice Porter:

Well, I'd love for you to share with my

Janice Porter:

audience, your how you got here your story and what that's all

Janice Porter:

about for delicious. Oh, well,

Jannette Anderson:

that is chastity. It's a big long story.

Jannette Anderson:

Oh my God, here I am. 63. So you know, long story. So I, well,

Jannette Anderson:

I'll actually tell you where badass it came from. Because

Jannette Anderson:

this story, I've been coaching and facilitating personal

Jannette Anderson:

development workshops, and teaching coaching certification

Jannette Anderson:

programs during business startup in turn around for the better

Jannette Anderson:

part of 40 years. And love, love, love what I do, still

Jannette Anderson:

stupidly in love with supporting entrepreneurs in really getting

Jannette Anderson:

the value they provide and how to live their purpose so that

Jannette Anderson:

they can profit themselves and other people from it. And I've

Jannette Anderson:

been doing that in various iterations. Cuz every once in a

Jannette Anderson:

while I forget. And I go back into corporate benefits and

Jannette Anderson:

quote, unquote, security, and then there for about two to

Jannette Anderson:

maximum two and a half years. And then I go, I remember why I

Jannette Anderson:

hate this politics and bureaucracy and Bs, so why. And

Jannette Anderson:

so I leave and go back and start my business again. I was

Jannette Anderson:

permanently cured of that in 2001, will never again, stray

Jannette Anderson:

away from my first last and only love of entrepreneurship. And so

Jannette Anderson:

about 10 years ago, I was doing a meditation and I got this

Jannette Anderson:

download. And I wrote out 11 pages in my journal, this was

Jannette Anderson:

something quite unusual. And it was all about this word

Jannette Anderson:

modality, which has not been kind of much of a word in my

Jannette Anderson:

vocabulary before. And it was about a mindset and a community

Jannette Anderson:

and a global movement. And the mission statement was shifting

Jannette Anderson:

is shifting the world from fear to love, one happy and empowered

Jannette Anderson:

women at a time. And I thought, Wow, that's so very inspiring.

Jannette Anderson:

And I read the 11 pages that I wrote, and I literally close the

Jannette Anderson:

book, Janice, and I said, I don't know who you're talking to

Jannette Anderson:

universe, but this is not for me. Go away. And then I spent

Jannette Anderson:

about eight years because I'm kind of a stubborn Aries. I

Jannette Anderson:

spent bunny ears in rebellion going. No, but but I don't even

Jannette Anderson:

really like women. This is not for me. And I get the call

Jannette Anderson:

again. And I'd be like, was there's so many women's group.

Jannette Anderson:

It's so been done, you know, for now there's 4 million, right?

Jannette Anderson:

Yeah. And then I get the call. And I'd be like, but I'm not

Jannette Anderson:

even really the right leader. Why are you talking to me go

Jannette Anderson:

away. Anyways, this resistance and rebellion went on. I mean, I

Jannette Anderson:

kind of did it. But I kind of dabbled and I kind of stuck my

Jannette Anderson:

toe in, but I didn't really, you know, commit. And so finally,

Jannette Anderson:

after getting the call again and again and again, I very

Jannette Anderson:

graciously surrendered and said, it's off, leave me alone, I'll

Jannette Anderson:

do it and stepped in. That's my version of gracious surrender is

Jannette Anderson:

and stepped in. And then I said, once I went all in, then of

Jannette Anderson:

course, I understood why women why now and why me. Because

Jannette Anderson:

until we commit fully, we don't really get all the clarity that

Jannette Anderson:

we want. So it actually takes that leap of faith to go all in

Jannette Anderson:

to commit to something before it becomes fully embodied and

Jannette Anderson:

realized. And so I started really going all in on badass

Jannette Anderson:

city on this mindset and community movement. And really,

Jannette Anderson:

it is about shifting, not just individual women's experience of

Jannette Anderson:

being able to, you know, express their purpose and make a

Jannette Anderson:

contribution. But also, how do we profit ourselves and others

Jannette Anderson:

from that? How do we how do we make that practically something

Jannette Anderson:

where women are empowered with economic control and freedom as

Jannette Anderson:

well? And how do we shift how we do business as a result, so that

Jannette Anderson:

as business goes, so does the rest of the world? So how do we

Jannette Anderson:

shift how we do everything? You know, I'm basically just up to

Jannette Anderson:

reinventing the patriarchy, which I think is a system that

Jannette Anderson:

doesn't work for anyone, including old white men. So

Jannette Anderson:

that's pretty much my not so hidden agenda. And the route to

Jannette Anderson:

doing that is to get a whole bunch more women, happier, more

Jannette Anderson:

empowered and richer. rich women will you know, the Dalai Lama

Jannette Anderson:

said, No. Gandhi, someone wise, some old wise guy said Western

Jannette Anderson:

women will change the world think was Gandhi.

Janice Porter:

And the Duchess of Windsor said the the former

Janice Porter:

Duchess of Windsor said you can never be too thin or too rich.

Janice Porter:

Yes, exactly. And obviously different purpose but I love

Janice Porter:

that quote. Anyway. Yes. Exactly,

Jannette Anderson:

I think that that women will change the

Jannette Anderson:

world. The only reason he said Western is because I think they

Jannette Anderson:

have more of a voice. But I don't actually believe that

Jannette Anderson:

anymore. I think it's wealthy women will change the world

Jannette Anderson:

because we then have the means to create profits to create

Jannette Anderson:

social change, to create, you know, well being in our families

Jannette Anderson:

and our communities, and so forth and so on. So, that's a

Jannette Anderson:

little bit about how badass city came about, and how I got to

Jannette Anderson:

this point that I'm at. That's

Janice Porter:

awesome. So and I think I love you know, it's

Janice Porter:

funny, I never was clear on it. Our women, my audience, or men,

Janice Porter:

my audience, that was never it. For me, it was always about

Janice Porter:

whether they were heart centered, they were relationship

Janice Porter:

people, because that's who I can relate to the best. And, and so

Janice Porter:

as soon as I say, oh, it's women who are speakers and coaches and

Janice Porter:

zones, then I get all men clients, so that way for me, but

Janice Porter:

anyway, so yes, it just the connection for me is what makes

Janice Porter:

the difference. And I knew and I actually have met twice, right,

Janice Porter:

we've come back around again, and we connected the first time.

Janice Porter:

I don't know what happened, but we we had that connection,

Janice Porter:

because I was very intrigued by your lifestyle by the fact that

Janice Porter:

you I call you a nomad, but I'm not sure if that's what you

Janice Porter:

would call yourself but that interesting. I don't know if you

Janice Porter:

go as far as that interesting movie that I saw in no man's

Janice Porter:

land, but

Jannette Anderson:

I actually I meant to watch that and I

Jannette Anderson:

haven't seen it yet.

Janice Porter:

Dortmund is amazing in that movie,

Jannette Anderson:

ya know, I call myself Polly Homarus. See

Jannette Anderson:

homeless but that distress people say Polly Homarus and I

Jannette Anderson:

either get someone laughing or they tip their head because they

Jannette Anderson:

think maybe I'm really kinky or something like that in our

Jannette Anderson:

culture. But um, so yeah, I I live a completely digital

Jannette Anderson:

lifestyle I have for about eight years now. I sold my house and

Jannette Anderson:

everything I own in 2016. Mostly because I was really tired of

Jannette Anderson:

hearing myself whine about winter. And I all my friends

Jannette Anderson:

were tired of it because I'm pathologically allergic to

Jannette Anderson:

winter. And because

Janice Porter:

aren't you in Calgary? Yes. What are you doing

Janice Porter:

there? Now? Winter's coming?

Jannette Anderson:

I know, I know, the snow all melted today,

Jannette Anderson:

because it has been snowing for the last little while. So it's

Jannette Anderson:

like, okay, that's more like it. But yeah, so I'm going to be

Jannette Anderson:

here till January. And there will be a fair amount of

Jannette Anderson:

swearing between now. And when I leave, I can tell you that.

Janice Porter:

So you I know are very involved in your clients in

Janice Porter:

in moving your clients forward and making sure that they know

Janice Porter:

their why. And knowing their purpose and what their what

Janice Porter:

their next steps are. So you are hands on very hands on, I think

Janice Porter:

with your clients, right? And your target audience, I believe

Janice Porter:

has shifted? Yes,

Jannette Anderson:

yes. Well, it's kind of expanded and

Jannette Anderson:

narrowed. So basically, so it was predominantly working with

Jannette Anderson:

women entrepreneurs, who were ready to turn their purpose into

Jannette Anderson:

profit. I'm known as the why whisperer. Because I really

Jannette Anderson:

think that the first step in a process is knowing what your

Jannette Anderson:

purpose is. And how do you live into that practically speaking,

Jannette Anderson:

but in our world, people buy why you do what you do, not what you

Jannette Anderson:

do. That's a quote from my friend of mine, Simon Sinek. And

Jannette Anderson:

I that certainly my experience these days is that and by these

Jannette Anderson:

days, I mean, the past almost decade, is that people are

Jannette Anderson:

really more they want to resonate with people, they want

Jannette Anderson:

to make sure that there's an affinity and there is so much

Jannette Anderson:

noise and competition now that we are truly in a global market.

Jannette Anderson:

COVID made us completely 100% a global marketplace. So no matter

Jannette Anderson:

what you do, you're competing with everyone else in the world.

Jannette Anderson:

There's very few things that you can name, that they only have a

Jannette Anderson:

geographic, you know, competitor or something like that. And so

Jannette Anderson:

how do we stand out and all that noise and the only thing that is

Jannette Anderson:

truly unique that doesn't take us into the realm of commodity

Jannette Anderson:

is our why why we do what we do that. And so my definition of

Jannette Anderson:

that is, what we're healing from the past and what we long for

Jannette Anderson:

for the future. Or why is the intersection of that what we're

Jannette Anderson:

healing from the past and what we long for for the future for

Jannette Anderson:

ourselves and others and that I think a thread that weaves

Jannette Anderson:

through the tapestry of our life, it's consistent and how we

Jannette Anderson:

express it changes from time to time. That's our stamp or way of

Jannette Anderson:

living into it. That changes in terms of format. But But what,

Jannette Anderson:

why we do what we do is consistent. And so my why is

Jannette Anderson:

that I want you to get that you matter, and live like you do.

Jannette Anderson:

Why is that so important to me, because I always wanted to get

Jannette Anderson:

that I mattered. I grew up with lots of chaos and craziness and

Jannette Anderson:

violence and addictions and so forth. And so I just wanted to

Jannette Anderson:

get on the list, nevermind the top of the list, I just want to

Jannette Anderson:

get on the damn list. And, and always felt like I didn't matter

Jannette Anderson:

like everything else, my mom's addictions, etc, came first. So

Jannette Anderson:

that's what I kind of see in the world, we all have our way of

Jannette Anderson:

seeing and what we care about. That's mine. But it's not just

Jannette Anderson:

about getting that you matter. It's about living into that I'm

Jannette Anderson:

really a lot about how do we how do we make the difference? You

Jannette Anderson:

know, how do you be the difference that only you can be?

Jannette Anderson:

And so that's the key behind the why, then you were talking about

Jannette Anderson:

the helping people with what stages are out in the real

Jannette Anderson:

practical stuff. One of the things that I think that I have

Jannette Anderson:

a whole long rant about the Guru is on the top of the mountain.

Jannette Anderson:

But the short version is I think there's a lot of people who are

Jannette Anderson:

getting stuck not getting the momentum they want in their

Jannette Anderson:

business, because they're doing tactics and strategies from

Jannette Anderson:

stages ahead of where they're at in their business, trying to do

Jannette Anderson:

those top of the mountain, they've been sold. And they

Jannette Anderson:

don't have the list of 40 or 50,000, or the influence or the

Jannette Anderson:

cash flow or the team are the infrastructure to make them

Jannette Anderson:

work. And then they feel like it's their fault. It's not that

Jannette Anderson:

it's the wrong thing for them, or the thing at the wrong stage.

Jannette Anderson:

A lot of what I want people to do is to get back to what stage

Jannette Anderson:

are you at what works at that stage and what doesn't, for you

Jannette Anderson:

know, cookie cutters, cookie cutters or cookies, not for

Jannette Anderson:

business models, or approaches to your business. So i i That's

Jannette Anderson:

the second piece is you got to know why you do what you do.

Jannette Anderson:

Because you want to be purpose led in in nowadays because we

Jannette Anderson:

got to get out of bed in the morning. And it's not always

Jannette Anderson:

easy as an entrepreneur, then you got to know where you're at,

Jannette Anderson:

and what works there and what works for you and be doing that

Jannette Anderson:

instead of all the stuff you're told that you got to do and have

Jannette Anderson:


Janice Porter:

much distraction, right? There's so many things

Janice Porter:

for every I mean, I have one conversation with somebody new.

Janice Porter:

And now I've got five new things that I had never heard of before

Janice Porter:

and I squirrel, you know, because I'm missing something.

Janice Porter:


Jannette Anderson:

OMO is a big deal alive. Oh, totally.

Janice Porter:

It totally is. And and I think that. I don't

Janice Porter:

know, does that happen? Because we're not secure in our plan or

Janice Porter:

our purpose? I don't know, or is it just because I'm a curious

Janice Porter:

person? Which I am? You know? Yeah,

Jannette Anderson:

I think it's some of both. Some of it is, you

Jannette Anderson:

know, like, there's, you're an avid learner and always will be

Jannette Anderson:

it's part of why you're so young at heart is because you're

Jannette Anderson:

curious about life, and you're always wanting to learn and try

Jannette Anderson:

new things. And that does keep us young and vital, right? It's

Jannette Anderson:

why there are so many mature printers coming into the market,

Jannette Anderson:

which we'll talk about a second. But I think that that, that that

Jannette Anderson:

squirrel moment is sometimes the distraction because we totally

Jannette Anderson:

have all sorts of limiting beliefs come up around success.

Jannette Anderson:

And that can be a really good way to keep us out of the game

Jannette Anderson:

and keep us safe. Sometimes it is because the authorities, the

Jannette Anderson:

gurus on the top of the mountain are telling us that you must

Jannette Anderson:

have this or you have to go this route. And in the absence of our

Jannette Anderson:

own belief in our own authority and knowing we abdicate to those

Jannette Anderson:

who seems certain confidence will trump competence every

Jannette Anderson:

time. Yes. And so if we're not feeling solid and competent, and

Jannette Anderson:

confident that their confidence will outweigh what we know.

Jannette Anderson:

Yeah. The third thing is sometimes those are good

Jannette Anderson:

suggestions. It just may not be the right timing might not be

Jannette Anderson:

the right suggestion for you. Or it might be but you got to be be

Jannette Anderson:

have it be a piece of the puzzle. But I find this people

Jannette Anderson:

keep buying all these puzzle pieces, but they don't have the

Jannette Anderson:

picture on the front of their box. Right? So they don't know

Jannette Anderson:

how to put them together don't know what picture they're trying

Jannette Anderson:

to make. So it's really hard. So I advocate if you've got a

Jannette Anderson:

really clear picture of what you're building and why it

Jannette Anderson:

matters, and it's easier to know which pieces you need to make it

Jannette Anderson:


Janice Porter:

me think of another completely irrelevant

Janice Porter:

piece but I After diagnose, because I took my granddaughter

Janice Porter:

to the library a week or so ago, she's four. And she we saw some

Janice Porter:

jigsaw puzzles, and she loves doing jigsaw puzzles. And she

Janice Porter:

saw, Oh, let's get this one grommet. Well, it's got 1000

Janice Porter:

pieces. I think that's a bit big. But anyway, we found one

Janice Porter:

with, I think 200 pieces. And she's pretty good at these

Janice Porter:

things. Anyway, it said on the front of the box, three pieces

Janice Porter:

missing. Oh, and library, right. So, right. So I said, Oh, look,

Janice Porter:

there's three pieces missing this puzzle Amara, and she said,

Janice Porter:

she couldn't quite get why. But anyway, so I said, that's okay.

Janice Porter:

We know that now. So we'll take this puzzle. And she then called

Janice Porter:

me a couple of days later and said, Grandma, I did the puzzle.

Janice Porter:

But there's only one piece missing, and we can't find it.

Janice Porter:

So keep, right.

Jannette Anderson:

Wow, that's pretty smart at that age to be

Jannette Anderson:

able to do that. That's really clever. It was very cool.

Janice Porter:

Thinking about missing pieces. And, and so we

Janice Porter:

don't know what we don't know. But yeah, so. So you didn't come

Janice Porter:

to the point where? Yes, Your

Jannette Anderson:

Honors? Yeah. So you asked me about my market

Jannette Anderson:

had shifted. And and I'll tell you the story that created this

Jannette Anderson:

shift in my business because almost always shifts in our

Jannette Anderson:

business come from a story. I was aboard the marketers cruise,

Jannette Anderson:

which is a trip where a bunch of people who are in our business,

Jannette Anderson:

go on a cruise and networking joint venture, so forth. I think

Jannette Anderson:

it was like first or second one I can't remember. And there's a

Jannette Anderson:

thing called pizza profits late at night where you're networking

Jannette Anderson:

up on the Lido Deck. And I was talking to a group of three guys

Jannette Anderson:

and one guy asked me, what do you do? And I was mid sentence

Jannette Anderson:

in describing what I do and answering him. And he turned and

Jannette Anderson:

started talking to someone else. I thought that was kind of rude.

Jannette Anderson:

And I just kind of wrote it off as he's a rude guy. So not long.

Jannette Anderson:

Later, I left that group went and joined another group, and it

Jannette Anderson:

was five people. And the guy asked me, What do I do? And I'm

Jannette Anderson:

mid sentence describing what I do. And he turns and starts

Jannette Anderson:

talking to someone else. And I think, Okay, wait a minute. One.

Jannette Anderson:

He's a dick, too. This is a trend, maybe it's me. Why not

Jannette Anderson:

showing up? Am I not? Am I being invisible? You know, because

Jannette Anderson:

sometimes as women, we can turn our light down and so forth. And

Jannette Anderson:

so I checked in, it's like, no, that's not it. I'm not typically

Jannette Anderson:

an invisible person. I mean, I have blue hair and women are.

Jannette Anderson:

And so I tend to stand out. But so I'm like, No, that's not it.

Jannette Anderson:

I'm not, you know, shrink in here. So I just kind of got

Jannette Anderson:

curious and observed. And what I noticed on that cruise Genesis,

Jannette Anderson:

every single gray haired woman was completely ignored every

Jannette Anderson:

woman over a certain age, let's say 5560, was completely

Jannette Anderson:

ignored. And when I mean, ignored, I mean, I was at a

Jannette Anderson:

table of aid. And there was two women down at the other end who

Jannette Anderson:

were older. And no one talked to them through the whole meal at

Jannette Anderson:

all, and and like I was literally way down the table.

Jannette Anderson:

And at one point, I turned and interrupted everyone, I said,

Jannette Anderson:

How are you two doing? And and everybody kind of got the point.

Jannette Anderson:

And so people talk to them for a couple minutes. And then that

Jannette Anderson:

was it. And they were ignored for the rest of the meal. Wow.

Jannette Anderson:

And so I started watching and it was actually systemic. And I

Jannette Anderson:

started talking to a couple of them about their experience. And

Jannette Anderson:

it was it was kind of funny, because you know, sometimes we

Jannette Anderson:

don't, we don't have an awareness around something

Jannette Anderson:

beyond notional until we experience it. And then we get,

Jannette Anderson:

oh, my goodness, this is a thing, right? It's why people

Jannette Anderson:

can't experience it can't and you know why people who are not

Jannette Anderson:

colored don't understand the experience of being a colored

Jannette Anderson:

human being right. Like it's just not in our, in our

Jannette Anderson:

experience base. And so I didn't know ageism was a thing beyond

Jannette Anderson:

notional until I experienced it. And then I was like, Oh, well,

Jannette Anderson:

this is not okay. Like, especially when you combine this

Jannette Anderson:

with sexism, this sucks. So I had a chat with the organizers

Jannette Anderson:

and told them some ways that they could work on reducing that

Jannette Anderson:

and how they could shift their consciousness because I think

Jannette Anderson:

consciousness comes from the top. They of course said no,

Jannette Anderson:

it's not an issue. And I said, yeah, go talk to these people.

Jannette Anderson:

Now actually, on the cruise, it has shifted. Last time, there

Jannette Anderson:

was probably the first time there was maybe maybe 10. women

Jannette Anderson:

that were older, maybe eight, somewhere in there last time

Jannette Anderson:

last cruiser was about 30 of us. And that is reflective of the

Jannette Anderson:

shift in the demographics. There are millions of people who are

Jannette Anderson:

fitted by plus, baby boomers basically, that are coming into

Jannette Anderson:

entrepreneurship for two reasons. One, they don't want to

Jannette Anderson:

retire. So hashtag not done by a longshot, or they can't afford

Jannette Anderson:

to retire. You Because the reality is we now have

Jannette Anderson:

potentially 40 more years to live, you know, when you used to

Jannette Anderson:

retire at 65, you maybe add another decade at best. Now, we

Jannette Anderson:

got 40, maybe 50 years, and within the decades would be more

Jannette Anderson:

than 50 years still to go. So they can't retire, they don't

Jannette Anderson:

want to spend that much time knitting or golfing or whatever.

Jannette Anderson:

And so they've got more in them. So I've really shifted partially

Jannette Anderson:

because of my experience, and based on it, our demographic

Jannette Anderson:

often mirrors us. But also because like, there's a

Jannette Anderson:

tremendous opportunity here and a tremendous need good luck

Jannette Anderson:

trying to get funding or insurance or a loan or a venture

Jannette Anderson:

capital, if you are, you know, older because, oh, well, you're

Jannette Anderson:

just going to quit or you don't want to whatever. And it's so we

Jannette Anderson:

really have to shift the perception of aging and the

Jannette Anderson:

revolution that's coming around about that. But also, there are

Jannette Anderson:

literally going to be millions of people coming into the

Jannette Anderson:

entrepreneurial marketplace, who don't have that background and

Jannette Anderson:

experience who are largely coming from employment, don't

Jannette Anderson:

have training in that realm. But who have a lot to offer, and

Jannette Anderson:

don't know how to turn their wisdom into wealth. So that's

Jannette Anderson:

what I'm really focusing on now is how do we really support

Jannette Anderson:

their contribution, so they can still be a change agent in the

Jannette Anderson:

world? And, you know, there's just too many people who are too

Jannette Anderson:

inspired to retire. And so they are my people love it.

Janice Porter:

Totally love it, of course, because I feel as I

Janice Porter:

feel you, yeah,

Jannette Anderson:

well, you are the poster child for this.

Janice Porter:

That's so cool. And I, you know, I've never

Janice Porter:

thought about it, like, I kind of weave amongst the the

Janice Porter:

different generations and try to adapt accordingly. But it's

Janice Porter:

getting harder to do that as I get older. And now I have to

Janice Porter:

embrace it from a different angle, so to speak. I don't

Janice Porter:

know. But you know, I've always been service based. So it's, and

Janice Porter:

I love, you know, something you said at the beginning, which

Janice Porter:

I've always believed is that we're selling ourselves really,

Janice Porter:

it's not what we do. It's, it's how we do it, who we are. And

Janice Porter:

it's that trust that we're building with people that will

Janice Porter:

have them choose us, you know, in that respect, this is so fun.

Janice Porter:

So I want to ask you that, what do you think, as you work with,

Janice Porter:

as you call them mature printers, which I love the term?

Janice Porter:

What are the the three top things that they need to, you

Janice Porter:

know, either be aware of or the mistakes that they make when

Janice Porter:

they're going into business for themselves? Well,

Jannette Anderson:

that's a great question. And there's a

Jannette Anderson:

bunch of them that I could name but here's the things that I

Jannette Anderson:

think are probably top. One is they need to know that just like

Jannette Anderson:

anybody who's learning a new skill set, they need to go to

Jannette Anderson:

school for it in some way, shape, or form. They come with

Jannette Anderson:

all of this experience and expertise. But they don't know

Jannette Anderson:

how to be an entrepreneur. So they know how to solve problems

Jannette Anderson:

and be a consultant or they may know how to be a cabinet builder

Jannette Anderson:

and build cabinets. But just like every entrepreneur, knowing

Jannette Anderson:

how to do the thing is not the same as knowing how to run a

Jannette Anderson:

business successful. So they need to learn entrepreneurship,

Jannette Anderson:

the business side of things, particularly if they came out of

Jannette Anderson:

an employee mindset, because I don't care how entrepreneurial

Jannette Anderson:

they thought they were in a corporation, they weren't. And

Jannette Anderson:

there are elements of risk taking and dealing with change

Jannette Anderson:

in a different way and personal accountability and a variety of

Jannette Anderson:

mindset shifts that need to happen to have them be in a

Jannette Anderson:

frame of reference to be a successful entrepreneur. So they

Jannette Anderson:

ideally should work with someone that can he knows that and can

Jannette Anderson:

help them navigate through some of those shifts. Now for some

Jannette Anderson:

they don't have to shift much at all. They have that kind of

Jannette Anderson:

entrepreneurial orientation, they might have good business

Jannette Anderson:

experience. Chances are if they came from a corporate

Jannette Anderson:

background, they don't, they may think they do. Many business

Jannette Anderson:

books are basically taking corporate information and

Jannette Anderson:

downsizing it. But that is not good entrepreneurial wisdom.

Jannette Anderson:

Because that doesn't work. It doesn't translate. It's like

Jannette Anderson:

taking, you know something designed for a little person and

Jannette Anderson:

just making it bigger, chances are good, it doesn't look good

Jannette Anderson:

on a big person because it's not. Right. So, number one,

Jannette Anderson:

learn how to be an entrepreneur. And this advice goes for anybody

Jannette Anderson:

of any age, but it's pretty similarly critical for people

Jannette Anderson:

who are in the wisdom workforce and learn it fast because you do

Jannette Anderson:

have a less long term play to create the results that you One,

Jannette Anderson:

two is understand and own your value in. And this again goes

Jannette Anderson:

for every entrepreneur, but both your intrinsic value but the

Jannette Anderson:

value that you provide. And that's where you also may need

Jannette Anderson:

some help with translating that because the value you provide is

Jannette Anderson:

not the process that used to do. Many people especially coming

Jannette Anderson:

out of employment. Think of the the process that they do the

Jannette Anderson:

work that they do as being the contribution. And that's what

Jannette Anderson:

they got paid for show up for work every do they do these

Jannette Anderson:

tasks? Here, they're getting paid for the outcomes. They're

Jannette Anderson:

not getting paid for the process. No one cares how you

Jannette Anderson:

get them there. They're getting paid for the outcome or the

Jannette Anderson:

benefit on the other end. So they have to learn how to market

Jannette Anderson:

that position that and think differently.

Janice Porter:

Yeah, that's huge. Yeah, that's huge, I

Janice Porter:

think. And,

Jannette Anderson:

and then the third thing is, they need to

Jannette Anderson:

figure out like every entrepreneur, their positioning,

Jannette Anderson:

but they need to take into account their unique thing that

Jannette Anderson:

they bring. So you just mentioned, for example, that you

Jannette Anderson:

often weave between various different ages, here's, here's

Jannette Anderson:

the thing. Most entrepreneurs don't have an added layer of a

Jannette Anderson:

particular perception to overcome that we have. And that

Jannette Anderson:

is we get thought of as obsolete. I don't care who you

Jannette Anderson:

are, how progressive you are, et cetera, in our culture in our

Jannette Anderson:

society. If you're older, you're considered obsolete, not with

Jannette Anderson:

the times, not tech savvy, not current. And so we may get

Jannette Anderson:

granted with having wisdom and experience, but it's considered

Jannette Anderson:

obsolete. So one of the things that we really have to do is go

Jannette Anderson:

to where they're at where our clients are at. You don't have

Jannette Anderson:

to try and be 20 and wrap with them or whatever. But you have

Jannette Anderson:

to show them that you are relevant to where they are at

Jannette Anderson:

right now that you can enter into the conversation in their

Jannette Anderson:

head. And that you get them and you get them. And

Janice Porter:

yeah, that's brilliant. Yeah, that's so good.

Janice Porter:


Jannette Anderson:

not the case. It's the case for everyone.

Jannette Anderson:

It's, we have to lead with relevance. Yes. It's the first

Jannette Anderson:

objection in people's heads. And, and you know, it's not

Jannette Anderson:

just, it's not just younger people. Just perfect example, I

Jannette Anderson:

was talking to a woman the other day, who's 66. And I was talking

Jannette Anderson:

to her about her vision, big vision for shifting perception

Jannette Anderson:

around mental health and really passionate about it, and wanted

Jannette Anderson:

to accomplish certain things. We defined her her goals for her

Jannette Anderson:

business. And I said, Okay, so what's the timeframe on this?

Jannette Anderson:

Right? You're 66? Where are you at? How soon do you want to

Jannette Anderson:

accomplish this? And she said, Well, I'd like to go really hard

Jannette Anderson:

for and she paused for a moment. And in my head, I heard myself

Jannette Anderson:

say, two or three more years. And she said, I'd like to go

Jannette Anderson:

really hard for maybe 10 more years. And then I'd like to slow

Jannette Anderson:

down a bit. I laughed, and I recognize even I who work in

Jannette Anderson:

this field, and who am you know, bodacious and still rocking and

Jannette Anderson:

rolling. Had that immediate prejudice of well, she's 66. He

Jannette Anderson:

doesn't want to slow down by the time she's 70. Oh, she just

Jannette Anderson:

wants to slow down maybe a bit at 77. Right. And so are 76. So

Jannette Anderson:

I it's a it's a pervasive, sometimes subtle, sometimes not

Jannette Anderson:

obstacle that we simply need to address in our marketing and our

Jannette Anderson:

sales and our positioning. Just like everybody needs to handle

Jannette Anderson:

the unsaid and unseen objections. We just need to

Jannette Anderson:

tackle that one first relevance.

Janice Porter:

I love it. So we could go on forever. I think I

Janice Porter:

may have to have you come back to net because this conversation

Janice Porter:

is amazing. But we do need to wrap it up. And I want to say

Janice Porter:

thank you for your wisdom. And there's a lot of food for

Janice Porter:

thought there for us. The mature printers, but also for the

Janice Porter:

younger people that are listening. And, you know, wonder

Janice Porter:

if they've been, you know, thinking that perhaps just

Janice Porter:

because someone is older, they're not as relevant. And I

Janice Porter:

think they need to rethink that for sure. Especially with how

Janice Porter:

hip we are, of course. Anyway. Thank you for being here. Thank

Janice Porter:

you for your wisdom and your expertise. And how can my

Janice Porter:

audience find you?

Jannette Anderson:

Well, they can go to bode acity.ca Bo EA, c

Jannette Anderson:

i t y, which by the way is bold plus audacious. I didn't make it

Jannette Anderson:

up. It's a real word. They can go there. And if you're if you

Jannette Anderson:

don't believe it, you can go by bodacious wine. The other thing

Jannette Anderson:

is so bullish Is airboat st.ca. You can also reach me on

Jannette Anderson:

LinkedIn and I have a Facebook group called the purpose and

Jannette Anderson:

profit sisterhood. So come and join us there. And they have the

Jannette Anderson:

purpose and profit podcast purpose of sisterhood podcast.

Jannette Anderson:

But also in the new year coming soon to an apple or Spotify

Jannette Anderson:

platform near you is the mature printer podcast. So whichever

Jannette Anderson:

you are, please come and listen, we'll have content for you. And

Jannette Anderson:

just reach out send us smoke signals something you'll find me

Jannette Anderson:

go look on social media. I'd love to talk to you if you are

Jannette Anderson:

someone who is ready to make your next leap, then pitter

Jannette Anderson:

patter. Let's get at her. Love

Janice Porter:

it. Thank you again, Jeanette, thank you so

Janice Porter:

much. And thank you for being here and listening. If you like

Janice Porter:

what you heard, please let us know. And remember to stay

Janice Porter:

connected and be remembered

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About the Podcast

Relationships Rule
It’s always about Relationships!
Imagine that 68% of our clients leave because they feel we don’t care. Then visualize having authentic heart-based retention strategies, proven to minimize client losses, while organically generating a substantial number of loyal clients through referrals.

Catch a glimpse of how Janice opens a conversation by applying her fine-tuned curiosity. Notice how genuinely interested she is in building a relationship with her guests – heart-based business owners and entrepreneurs. In mere minutes, guests generously share their most sweet and powerful retention systems that you can adopt today!

As a seasoned relationship marketing specialist, Janice invites us to listen in weekly, as she reveals how to nurture and build relationships in real-time.

The Relationships Rule podcast’s aim, is to help you naturally ease your networking fears, so you can adopt strategies that amplify your client list, because the facts are, that today, success is built on a foundation of strong relationships. You can relax now, knowing you can activate your relationship marketing plan, by simply tuning in to Relationships Rule each week.

About your host

Profile picture for Janice Porter

Janice Porter

I began my career as a teacher, was a corporate trainer for many years, and have now found my niche in coaching business owners to network at a world-class level.
My passion is working with motivated people, who are coachable and who want to build their businesses through relationship marketing and networking (offline & online). I help my clients create retention strategies, grow through referrals, and create loyal customers by staying connected.