Episode 244

Published on:

6th Feb 2024

Mastering the Entrepreneurial Symphony with Suzanne Taylor-King | RR244

I know you will enjoy this enlightening discussion with Suzanne Taylor-King as she unveils the harmonious blend of coaching, consulting, and mentorship that has orchestrated the success of countless individuals and small businesses.

We talk about her impressive 35-year journey that started long before the social media era with her first business venture that turned a $3000 investment into a million-dollar success story.

Suzanne's unique approach has been a catalyst for the growth of over 2000 individuals and 4000 small businesses in the last 15 years. We explore her multidisciplinary strategies that have empowered countless entrepreneurs to reach their full potential.

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting, this episode is filled with wisdom and inspiration to fuel your entrepreneurial journey.

Suzanne believes: “Your legacy is not just what you do, but who you become."

You can reach Suzanne at: www.suzannetaylorking.com or email her at: suzanne@taylorwellness.com

A little about me: 

I began my career as a teacher, was a corporate trainer for many years, and then found my niche training & supporting business owners, entrepreneurs & sales professionals to network at a world-class level. My passion is working with motivated people, who are coachable and who want to build their businesses through relationship marketing and networking (online & offline). I help my clients create retention strategies, grow through referrals, and create loyal customers by staying connected. 

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A LinkedIn Checklist for setting up your fully optimized Profile:  

An opportunity to test drive the Follow Up system I recommend by taking the  

10 Card Challenge – you won’t regret it.   

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Janice Porter:

Hi, everyone, and welcome to this week's episode

Janice Porter:

of relationships rule. My guest today is Suzanne Taylor King.

Janice Porter:

She is a life and business coach and has been for a very long

Janice Porter:

time since 2009. And she has a 35 year career really of x of

Janice Porter:

entrepreneurial experience. I would call her a serial

Janice Porter:

entrepreneur, I don't know if she will, but she's been in this

Janice Porter:

racket for a long time. Her first business, which I'm gonna

Janice Porter:

get her to tell you about was quite an interesting and

Janice Porter:

successful venture. And she has her own approach to helping

Janice Porter:

entrepreneurs and it seems, from what I've, from what I have

Janice Porter:

experienced with her already, I can tell she is very passionate

Janice Porter:

about helping entrepreneurs be successful. So first of all,

Janice Porter:

welcome to the show, Suzanne.

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: Thank you so much, John, it's great to be

Janice Porter:


Janice Porter:

You're very welcome. So I'd like you to

Janice Porter:

share your story about your first entrepreneurial venture,

Janice Porter:

because I think it comes best from you. Oh,

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: my gosh, well, I was 22 years old, had no

Janice Porter:

idea what I was doing. And my boyfriend at the time, had an

Janice Porter:

idea of bringing California surf skateboard and snowboard

Janice Porter:

products to the East Coast. And we started a retail store with

Janice Porter:

$3,000. And it was in the basement of another store with

Janice Porter:

no sign and no phone. So word of mouth traveled very quickly that

Janice Porter:

we had some underground. And it really was underground,

Janice Porter:

underground. Apparel, shoes, you know, just really cool stuff.

Janice Porter:

And by the end of the first week, we had done $5,000 in

Janice Porter:

sales. Nice. We had nothing left and needed to rebuy everything.

Janice Porter:

And it was in that moment when I thought and remember this was

Janice Porter:

before social media. There was no advertising, no promotion

Janice Porter:

whatsoever. And I fully realized the power of people talking

Janice Porter:

about you in rooms you're not in. So, you know, ultimately, I

Janice Porter:

got divorced and walked away from a very successful

Janice Porter:

franchised business. But my own safety, sanity, happiness was

Janice Porter:

more important to me than money, even back then. So, but the

Janice Porter:

lessons that I learned, you know, really stem from getting

Janice Porter:

to know your ideal clients so well, that they feel like

Janice Porter:

they're friends with you. And that feeling of Gosh, it's

Janice Porter:

really just understands me, she gets me. I brought that forward

Janice Porter:

into my first coaching practice where I was a health coach. And

Janice Porter:

it turned out that I was helping many entrepreneurs with their

Janice Porter:

health, wellness, fitness. And it turned into giving some

Janice Porter:

business advice just based on my experience. And over the next

Janice Porter:

couple of years, I fully transitioned into being a life

Janice Porter:

and business coach for entrepreneurs. And it's been

Janice Porter:


Janice Porter:

Well, I've met you, I think twice now and have

Janice Porter:

one sort of conversation with you. And I can tell right away

Janice Porter:

how easy you are to talk to and how easy it is to get to feel

Janice Porter:

like your friends already. Yeah, that is fantastic. I hope that I

Janice Porter:

kind of have a little bit of that same. You do since because

Janice Porter:

and that's maybe why my why we you know, connected quite

Janice Porter:

quickly. I just knew when I first saw you at a networking

Janice Porter:

event online that I wanted to talk to you it took us a while.

Janice Porter:

But oh now why because you do have that sense that sense of

Janice Porter:

warmness and caring that I'm sure that your that your clients

Janice Porter:

experience. So, so thank you for that. A couple of things. One,

Janice Porter:

you talked about athletics. I know you were an athlete, a

Janice Porter:

professional athlete, or were you well,

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: in high school, I was a State ranked

Janice Porter:

swimmer. In right after college, I started snowboarding and

Janice Porter:

started competing. But I was 24 at that point when I was

Janice Porter:

competing, so that was considered Pretty old for the

Janice Porter:

competition level, but I was sponsored. So I did get free

Janice Porter:

swag and free snowboards and free clothing from a couple of

Janice Porter:

different companies and went to numerous trade shows and made

Janice Porter:

appearances to, you know, sell products for star. That's Yeah,

Janice Porter:

fun. And I remember the first time I went to, which wasn't

Janice Porter:

that long ago, I went to actually a ski shop with my son,

Janice Porter:

too. And I thought, Oh, I'm gonna get new boots and a new

Janice Porter:

snowboard. And the snowboard was like $1,200 or something. And I

Janice Porter:

was like, Oh, yeah. And my son said, Woody, what are you

Janice Porter:

thinking? I said, I don't know. I've never bought one. He said,

Janice Porter:

you've never bought one. I said, No, I used to get all my stuff

Janice Porter:

for free because people want to see me on their stuff. How did

Janice Porter:

he react to that? It was he Well, he didn't think I was any

Janice Porter:

cooler. So. Ah,

Janice Porter:

that's amazing. Did you ever by the way, you

Janice Porter:

were probably in you were in the East Coast. Right? You're out of

Janice Porter:

New Jersey, New York. Yeah. Did you ever come to Whistler to ski

Janice Porter:

at all? Yes,

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: I did. The zoo. Okay. Yes, yes. I actually

Janice Porter:

did heliskiing there and was terrified. But I did it. And I

Janice Porter:

think it was $75 for one trip in the helicopter up to the top.

Janice Porter:

And for some reason I thought the helicopter was going to

Janice Porter:

land. Ah, yes. Didn't know. They don't land. Oh, hover. And you

Janice Porter:

jump out? Yeah.

Janice Porter:

I know. I have friends who've done that. I'm

Janice Porter:

not a skier snowboarder, I think skiing at Whistler in my youth,

Janice Porter:

but I fell in love with a basketball coach and player and

Janice Porter:

so I was always going to gym in the winter after my my last

Janice Porter:

boyfriend had taken me skiing up at Whistler. And when I had to

Janice Porter:

carry my own skis, that was enough for me. Yeah. Yeah. I was

Janice Porter:

not the athlete. I caught me city most most of the time. But

Janice Porter:

anyway, I did it. And I didn't learn to ski as a kid. So it's

Janice Porter:

harder when you're an adult. Yeah, I didn't

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: either. I grew up surfing. So skiing was

Janice Porter:

very difficult for me the couple of times I tried and gave up.

Janice Porter:

And then trying snowboarding, you know, at about 22 because of

Janice Porter:

a boy. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And it was the same movement and

Janice Porter:

surfing. You just had to dress much warmer. Yeah.

Janice Porter:

So I would think that and I didn't plan on this,

Janice Porter:

but, but it's interesting to me because I have a daughter, who

Janice Porter:

is a very good athlete is was a very good athlete. And she

Janice Porter:

played team sports, basketball, volleyball, softball, but she

Janice Porter:

learned a lot from that time. And I'm sure that you did, too,

Janice Porter:

in terms of what that what did that bring for you to business

Janice Porter:

and that you maybe share with your clients these days?

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: Well, I think it was a combination. So

Janice Porter:

my dad was in the army before I was born, and he was an athlete,

Janice Porter:

as well. And my first takeaway from him being an athlete was me

Janice Porter:

wanting to cycle with him. And he, he was about 45, at the

Janice Porter:

time, I started showing interest in cycling. And he was cycling

Janice Porter:

with a group of guys who were between 25 and 3540. So he was

Janice Porter:

older than all of them. And he pride he just had so much pride

Janice Porter:

in himself about being able to function at their level or or

Janice Porter:

beyond sometimes. And I so I took that was my number one

Janice Porter:

takeaway was always play with a better player. Surround yourself

Janice Porter:

with great people and great things happen. And that applies

Janice Porter:

to business as well. And then I think with snowboarding, since

Janice Porter:

it was very independent, but yet you it was very dependent on my

Janice Porter:

own meant the place I was at mentally. So if I was having a

Janice Porter:

good day, if I felt strong if I felt capable. There was nothing

Janice Porter:

I couldn't accomplish the minute I had self doubt in, say jumping

Janice Porter:

off the lift without my back foot strapped in, jumping out of

Janice Porter:

that helicopter in Whistler, when you jump out of that

Janice Porter:

helicopter. You It's not jumping to static you're jumping thing

Janice Porter:

to steep downhill immediately. It, it really showed me the

Janice Porter:

power of your mindset and your outlook. And you know, where you

Janice Porter:

focus your attention is where your business will go. And my

Janice Porter:

clients definitely benefit from that background with me.

Janice Porter:

That's makes so much sense actually, it really

Janice Porter:

does. So, what would you say? I'm going to skip now to

Janice Porter:

entrepreneurship? And what would you say? I think I read

Janice Porter:

somewhere that, you know, one of the things that you talked about

Janice Porter:

is to grow your authority. So what's the best way for an

Janice Porter:

entrepreneur to start to grow their authority? Hmm,

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: pick one thing, one platform, and one

Janice Porter:

offer. And one ideal client, I see so many, spreading

Janice Porter:

themselves. So thin, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, tik, Tok,

Janice Porter:

YouTube, and trying to do all of those platforms. And it's

Janice Porter:

absolutely impossible to do all of those platforms, and do them

Janice Porter:

all well, until you have delegation capabilities. So I

Janice Porter:

always say, start with one platform, and you pick the

Janice Porter:

platform based on your ideal client. And that's part of the

Janice Porter:

work, you know, I do with my clients is really deciding,

Janice Porter:

where's that best place for me to find my ideal client? And

Janice Porter:

once you're making the income that you want, from, say, your

Janice Porter:

Facebook group, and your Facebook following, then you can

Janice Porter:

move on to another platform with maybe another offer? Or maybe

Janice Porter:

the same offer? Depending? Keep

Janice Porter:

it simple? Yes, yeah. And hone it as you go to

Janice Porter:

make to make it Yeah.

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: And I, I actually, I've added four or

Janice Porter:

five things in the last maybe six, seven years. And I just

Janice Porter:

decided today, I know, I don't like it. I don't like having

Janice Porter:

this offer that offer even even though they're they're doing

Janice Porter:

okay, I want to go back to having that one thing that one

Janice Porter:

offer or that one community. And your clients naturally come from

Janice Porter:


Janice Porter:

It sounds so simple, but

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: it actually it's simpler than we allow it to

Janice Porter:

be a lot of times, because unfortunately, in the online

Janice Porter:

space, you're gonna hear so many messages, like, you need a

Janice Porter:

podcast, you need a YouTube channel, you need a Facebook

Janice Porter:

group, you need this, you need that. And it's because they're

Janice Porter:

trying to sell you something they're trying to sell you own

Janice Porter:

what they do for their clients, which I get it, I get it. But

Janice Porter:

you kind of have to have blinders on. It's

Janice Porter:

really hard to and I'm very guilty of that. I

Janice Porter:

have different parts of my business. And it's frustrating

Janice Porter:

me sometimes because it's too much. And I need to streamline

Janice Porter:

and I always feel that. Yeah, live and learn anyway. So we'll

Janice Porter:

talk. Now, you've had your own? Well, just to that point, your

Janice Porter:

ideal client, I've always fought that I've always fought it.

Janice Porter:

Because the minute I say this is my ideal client, my clients that

Janice Porter:

I that come to me are completely different. So when you say that

Janice Porter:

it doesn't doesn't have to be that one persona.

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: Well, here's, here's what happened for

Janice Porter:

me, I like you, I was very resistant to the niche, or the

Janice Porter:

ideal client work. I did it a couple times. But I didn't

Janice Porter:

really stick to it. I would just say anybody and everybody,

Janice Porter:

whatever. And about two years ago, my mentor said to me, take

Janice Porter:

a look at who you're currently working with one on one. And

Janice Porter:

instead of defining them like, oh, entrepreneur, and they're a

Janice Porter:

coach, or they they own a bookstore, look at their

Janice Porter:

psychographics instead of demographics. I was like, huh,

Janice Porter:

all right. So I made a list of my five one on one clients, and

Janice Porter:

they were all men. They were all over 50 They all had previous

Janice Porter:

athletic or military experience. They were all spiritual, and two

Janice Porter:

of them were very Christian church going and involved have

Janice Porter:

with their church community. Then they all had a business

Janice Porter:

there their business problems or pain points, or doing too many

Janice Porter:

things needed to streamline, or they didn't have a clear,

Janice Porter:

defined offer, and a roadmap for their clients to visually see

Janice Porter:

and touch and experience. Wow. Okay. And then the the thing

Janice Porter:

that was really incredible. They were all introduced to me by

Janice Porter:

referrals. And I thought, dear Lord, what am I doing spending

Janice Porter:

all of that time creating content for social media? When

Janice Porter:

the five high end people I'm working with, we're all from

Janice Porter:

referrals, and I don't even try to get referrals. What if I just

Janice Porter:

try and ask for more of that, please? Thank you. Yeah, that's

Janice Porter:

fast. And it was a huge turning point for me. Oh, I

Janice Porter:

can understand that. Totally. I mean, referrals

Janice Porter:

are usually the best kind of clients, because it's not a cold

Janice Porter:

call, even though it is right. I mean, it's not because they

Janice Porter:

trust the person that that sent them to you. And, yeah, yeah,

Janice Porter:

that's really interesting. That's what really what I meant

Janice Porter:

when I said that I, I think I want to work with or that I

Janice Porter:

attract, you know, women mid age, you know, coaches,

Janice Porter:

consultants. And then I look and I got six men that are all

Janice Porter:

financial planners. And that's happened to me a lot. So, yeah,

Janice Porter:

it's very interesting. So. So that's a really good point. And

Janice Porter:

I have to have to point this out, because I heard you say it

Janice Porter:

on your video, and you just said it now. And I'm like, Oh, God

Janice Porter:

bless you. The word niche. Most Americans say niche. How do you

Janice Porter:

get it? Right? I love that. Because I

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: don't know how do I get it? Right?

Janice Porter:

French word and it is niche. It is

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: a French word. And I think niche reminds

Janice Porter:

me of itch. Awesome. Reminds me of knit. And that's what blazer

Janice Porter:

called, so I stay away from that.

Janice Porter:

That's good enough. Not true. I love it.

Janice Porter:

Anyway. That's great. So um, so you talk about one of the

Janice Porter:

focuses for your clients, as you're working with them, is to

Janice Porter:

have them I think, if I'm sure you do this with them, you bring

Janice Porter:

out their their unique their uniqueness and their special

Janice Porter:

sauce that will help them grow and flourish as an entrepreneur.

Janice Porter:

How do you do that?

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: Oh, well, I a couple different things. So I

Janice Porter:

learned a process of extracting intellectual property. And that

Janice Porter:

was, well it was combination of unique ability from Strategic

Janice Porter:

Coach, and then part from your not to do list and your unique

Janice Porter:

genius from Tony Robbins, and then part assessments. So the

Janice Porter:

assessments I typically have somebody take our Clifton

Janice Porter:

Strengths, a positive psychology, Strengths

Janice Porter:

Assessment, which is your personality strengths. And then

Janice Porter:

a saboteur assessment, which is from a motional intelligence

Janice Porter:

program by Shahrzad Charmaine, a French person and the

Janice Porter:

combination of your personality, your strengths mentally,

Janice Porter:

emotionally. And then if you're going to self sabotage, how's

Janice Porter:

that going to look? So those three things in combination,

Janice Porter:

typically show me and then a timeline of your life. The

Janice Porter:

timeline of your life looks like your talent stack, so education,

Janice Porter:

degrees, certifications, but also your social emotional

Janice Porter:

journey. And looking at all of that from a big overhead view. A

Janice Porter:

couple things are gonna pop out. For me when I did this for

Janice Porter:

myself, I noticed that every Every time I had financial

Janice Porter:

upswing, I got less creative financial downswing more

Janice Porter:

creative. Whenever I was not challenged in my life, I was

Janice Porter:

bored. Okay, so always be challenging myself became a

Janice Porter:

rule. And I noticed when I do it with clients, that typically

Janice Porter:

they see it, it's not me seeing it or finding it for them. It's

Janice Porter:

I'm giving them the tools and the information. And then

Janice Porter:

they're looking at and saying, Wow, I can't believe I didn't

Janice Porter:

see that. I've been sick, you know, six or seven times in my

Janice Porter:

life with major illnesses. And I healed myself, every single one

Janice Porter:

of those times. And what I'm doing with my clients is

Janice Porter:

holistic healing. You didn't put that together? But they don't?

Janice Porter:

Because it's hard to see it.

Janice Porter:

Yeah, when you're in the can't see the forest for

Janice Porter:

the trees, right? Yes,

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: yes. And then that that saboteur that

Janice Porter:

kind of lets me know, that helps me advance my coaching with

Janice Porter:

someone faster. So I've noticed when I have somebody take that,

Janice Porter:

I can tell how they're going to show up during an in a coaching

Janice Porter:

relationship. And if they're going to self sabotage the work

Janice Porter:

that we're doing, I know exactly how it's going to show up. And I

Janice Porter:

can do that quicker. And that's that kind of helps me build

Janice Porter:

rapport with my client faster. So if I know somebody is a

Janice Porter:

procrastinator, and they show up week two without week one's

Janice Porter:

stuff done. Yeah, I immediately know, it's because there are

Janice Porter:

procrastinate or don't believe any of those excuses. Let's

Janice Porter:

tackle the procrastination first, so we can move forward.

Janice Porter:

So what kind of businesses

Janice Porter:

today are people starting or are in that you work

Janice Porter:

with? It isn't very completely across his charts, or,

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: um, I'd say my favorites are ones that are

Janice Porter:

responsible for getting their own people meaning real estate

Janice Porter:

agents, coaches, consultants, I'm so service service, service

Janice Porter:

based, even even a financial advisor who works for a company.

Janice Porter:

And he's kind of tied into the company's marketing. They can't

Janice Porter:

do their own marketing because of compliance. I help them kind

Janice Porter:

of figure out who they are. So that when they go out their

Janice Porter:

network, they stand out. Yeah. They don't lead with. Hi, I'm a

Janice Porter:

financial advisor for Janney, Montgomery, Scott. Well, yeah.

Janice Porter:

You in 10,000 other people

Janice Porter:

by Yeah. Yeah. So that actually makes me ask a

Janice Porter:

question. I know that when I first saw you on screen, it was

Janice Porter:

at an online networking group that I had been invited to by

Janice Porter:

Michael Goldberg, who had been on my podcast. I don't know now

Janice Porter:

how I met him. I was I think it was a referral from someone else

Janice Porter:

who had been on because you guys are all back East. And so I know

Janice Porter:

that right. So he was great. And people were speaking highly of

Janice Porter:

you. And then it kind of took a while. But what I was gonna say

Janice Porter:

is did you go back to in person networking with a flourish?

Janice Porter:

Like, did you want to do that? I haven't gone back. So it's,

Janice Porter:


Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: I I always did in person. From the time I

Janice Porter:

started my health coaching practice in 2009. And because I

Janice Porter:

had a decent size local network, when I came into the online

Janice Porter:

space, I immediately had people to connect with, you know, I

Janice Porter:

just took those in person and brought them online. During

Janice Porter:

COVID, I definitely leaned into more networking groups. You

Janice Porter:

know, as part of Michael's group for years, I actually led to the

Janice Porter:

Philadelphia chapter of the networking group. Then from that

Janice Porter:

I met a Texas group from that I met a couple groups in

Janice Porter:

California. I've spoken to a lot of really large national groups

Janice Porter:

at their national convention. So I would get like, you know, 300

Janice Porter:

members from all over the country in one room and get to

Janice Porter:

speak to them virtually of course during COVID I was like,

Janice Porter:

Wow, this could really this could really do well. I don't

Janice Porter:

have to leave my house, I can wear sweatpants and slippers.

Janice Porter:

Yeah, I love that. And I have my own in person group that we meet

Janice Porter:

for lunch once a quarter. And it's a pretty small group of

Janice Porter:

about 10 or 12. And are the core members, there's six of us. And

Janice Porter:

we commit to bringing somebody new to the group, every quarter.

Janice Porter:

One person, yeah, we'll bring one new person who's awesome.

Janice Porter:

And I've tried the Chamber of Commerce and all those local

Janice Porter:

groups. And at this point, I don't really need to do that

Janice Porter:

anymore. Yeah, but I do kind of keep keep my toe in.

Janice Porter:

Yeah, sure. I just find and I wonder if you

Janice Porter:

find this to that, when I'm talking to and usually in a

Janice Porter:

networking situation, newer entrepreneurs, they, they they

Janice Porter:

keep saying, like, they say things like, well, I go to two

Janice Porter:

or three networking groups a week? And I'm like, I know. Is

Janice Porter:

your target audience there? You know, like, Are these your

Janice Porter:

people? Because if they're not, to my mind, it's almost

Janice Porter:

sometimes a waste of time? I mean, totally. Yeah. I mean, so

Janice Porter:

I wonder about that with people today. And I do most of my

Janice Porter:

networking on LinkedIn. So that's why I always find it

Janice Porter:

interesting. When people say I have to be out networking, I

Janice Porter:

have to be out networking. No, well, I

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: think I use this measure. So I had an in

Janice Porter:

person event, we meet for lunch. At the local country club. It's

Janice Porter:

it's run by a financial advisor, friend of mine. And I would say

Janice Porter:

it's every two, two months, maybe this month, there was

Janice Porter:

eight people there. And I came home with three business cards,

Janice Porter:

they're still sitting right here on my desk, three cards from new

Janice Porter:

people that I had not met before. And I waited. They're

Janice Porter:

sitting right here. Let's see who reaches out to me. And nine

Janice Porter:

times out of 10. When I go to an in person event, no one follows

Janice Porter:

up. I know, it's huge. I don't understand why you're there. Is

Janice Porter:

it just for lunch? Like? Or are you if you're not actively

Janice Porter:

looking for me to introduce you to people or refer business to

Janice Porter:

you? Why are you there?

Janice Porter:

So how to deal with that, though? They don't

Janice Porter:

know what to do. They don't know what to say. They really don't?

Janice Porter:


Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: then what? What, then you got to figure

Janice Porter:

that out. And I have somebody to refer you to for that as well. I

Janice Porter:

went through an eight week program and took my networking

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skills, not even network network building skills to the next

Janice Porter:

level. So that means I went to a chamber of commerce meeting a

Janice Porter:

couple months ago. There's 300 people in the room. I'm not

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following up with 300 people. But the 10 people that were

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sitting at my table, I introduced myself to, I told

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them what I do. I'm a coach for business owners and

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entrepreneurs who want to extract their intellectual

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property and turn it into a product or a service or a

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revenue stream. very concise, very specific. And two of the

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people were like, oh, I want to do that. Well, of course you do.

Janice Porter:

Because I describe it in a way. That's for the people in the

Janice Porter:

room. Yeah, that's a skill. And so 10 business cards, I followed

Janice Porter:

up with the two people who asked me to the other ones, I just sat

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back and waited. Nothing.

Janice Porter:

And you do that? Because you don't need that

Janice Porter:

business necessarily. But you're just Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well,

Janice Porter:

only because you want to work with people who want to work

Janice Porter:

with you. Yes. And for years,

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: I would be the madman after an event. I'd

Janice Porter:

have a stack of 40 cards. And I'd be like, connecting with

Janice Porter:

them on LinkedIn, emailing them, following up making phone calls.

Janice Porter:

None of it ever led anywhere because the person on the other

Janice Porter:

end didn't know what to do with it. I know. So it's almost

Janice Porter:

better to be the attractor of people. Now you're seeing my

Janice Porter:

secrets here be the attractor of people being To be be the person

Janice Porter:

that people want to hang out with. And then connecting

Janice Porter:

becomes easier. And plus you're doing it with people who

Janice Porter:

appreciate and reciprocate. Well,

Janice Porter:

I used to teach networking to new entrepreneurs

Janice Porter:

at a local college. And, and I always dream and then we then I,

Janice Porter:

I did some networking, sort of role playing and so on with

Janice Porter:

them, too. But I remember I remember saying them saying,

Janice Porter:

like, they they don't know what to do, they don't know how to

Janice Porter:

follow. You know, it was important that I had a

Janice Porter:

beautiful, shiny business card, and I handed out to everybody.

Janice Porter:

No, I never, that's not what it's about. But I used to teach

Janice Porter:

that you, you go to a networking event, like a chamber event, and

Janice Porter:

you want to talk to, you know, three to five people in the

Janice Porter:

room, you want to talk to the organizer, you want to talk to

Janice Porter:

the person who who checks everybody in, because they know

Janice Porter:

everybody, usually you want to talk to the speaker, and you

Janice Porter:

want to talk to to what I call hubs, the people that are that

Janice Porter:

attracting everybody, so that you get a sense of the room from

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from that. And if you're new you want that's really your goal is

Janice Porter:

to connect maybe five people but the ones who know what they're

Janice Porter:

doing because they are usually those people. So I don't know,

Janice Porter:

it's just really interesting. But you people go very, I

Janice Porter:

remember going once with a friend of mine, who was part of

Janice Porter:

a women's group, I, she didn't like networking, and she went

Janice Porter:

and got these beautiful brochures and things. She was an

Janice Porter:

interior designer, I think she was. And she came to the event

Janice Porter:

and all she couldn't talk, she was handing out stuff that was

Janice Porter:

going no garbage, and know how to talk to people. She was too

Janice Porter:

nervous. So it's really hard for some people. You know, I

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: feel really lucky, because I was a dental

Janice Porter:

hygienist for 20 years,

Janice Porter:

which you talk to people who couldn't answer you.

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: Yeah, which was perfect. Right? Plus, I got

Janice Porter:

used to, you know, making people feel comfortable, who were

Janice Porter:

nervous or didn't want to be there, and kind of learned how

Janice Porter:

to talk to a wide variety of people and get other people

Janice Porter:

talking about themselves. Key. And then I went to tell you, I

Janice Porter:

met one person. And again, roomful of 100 people. And in

Janice Porter:

walks this guy who was wearing a bright blue, like really bright

Janice Porter:

blue suit, with a purple shirt, and a blue tie. Like he just

Janice Porter:

stood out. He was not in business attire, this suit was

Janice Porter:

very, very nice and very well cut and, and I saw him walk in.

Janice Porter:

And I was like, I don't know who he is or what he does. But I'm

Janice Porter:

gonna go talk to him. Yeah. And I walked up. And I said, I

Janice Porter:

noticed you when you walked in a very distinctive look. And I

Janice Porter:

wanted to just say hello and introduce myself. Turns out,

Janice Porter:

he's a personal stylist for men, and makes custom clothing for

Janice Porter:

men. And 90% of those men are business owners, or executives,

Janice Porter:

that would be ideal clients, for me. So because of how I walked

Janice Porter:

up to him, like, Hmm, I don't know who you are, but you look

Janice Porter:

like somebody I should know, in this room. And he looked at me

Janice Porter:

like, best opening line ever. And I said much I'm Suzanne.


It was great. Yeah, that's awesome. You


Suzanne Taylor-King: know, being fearless helps a little bit.

Janice Porter:

When I was little, I used to go out with my

Janice Porter:

mom all the time. And my mom was the perfect example for me. She

Janice Porter:

would make friends with the butcher, the baker, the

Janice Porter:

candlestick maker. Not only did they all love her when she came

Janice Porter:

in the store, send postcards to them when she was on vacation.

Janice Porter:

My mom loved people and dogs love people. And I learned I

Janice Porter:

swear I it's I learned it in the womb because she was like that.

Janice Porter:

And and it's it's always been easy for me to talk to people

Janice Porter:

and get them talking about themselves, which is the key

Janice Porter:

course. Okay, this has been delightful and so much fun. I

Janice Porter:

could do it for a lot longer, but we must wrap up. So I'm

Janice Porter:

going to ask you a couple last questions. One is one of my

Janice Porter:

favorite quote. Questions to ask most of the time to my guests,

Janice Porter:

because it's about my favorite word curiosity. So I want to

Janice Porter:

know, it's a two part question number one, do you think

Janice Porter:

curiosity is innate or learned? And second part, what are you

Janice Porter:

most curious about these days?

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: I think it can be learned, but I think most

Janice Porter:

people are born with it. And if but if you don't have it, you

Janice Porter:

can absolutely learn how to be a better listener and more

Janice Porter:

curious. Right now, I am most curious about time management,

Janice Porter:

and what that looks like for my clients. And I'm diving deep on

Janice Porter:

time management, calendar, blocking, scheduling. And I have

Janice Porter:

about six different books I'm learning from right now.

Janice Porter:

Any of them that have been around for a long

Janice Porter:

time, because I used to do that. And then I fell off the wagon.

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: I love David Allen getting things done.

Janice Porter:

Because I'm a big list maker, whether you do it digitally or

Janice Porter:

on paper. And then I love Cal Newport. Digital minimalism. And

Janice Porter:

I also love Dr. Ben Hardy, who talks about 10x being easier

Janice Porter:

than 2x. I, I love Michael Hyatt planner system, which is just a

Janice Porter:

way of planning your day. And my coach, Dan Henry, he teaches a

Janice Porter:

daily kind of journaling thing that's personal and business.

Janice Porter:

And I'm kind of just seeing how I can incorporate all of that

Janice Porter:

into one system.

Janice Porter:

Fantastic. That's great. Thank you for that. And

Janice Porter:

last question. Just your maybe favorite or best or what comes

Janice Porter:

to mind piece of advice for my listeners who are definitely

Janice Porter:

your audience, and what you would give them as their your

Janice Porter:

favorite tip of the day for business. Not

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: to think that you need anything else

Janice Porter:

other than yourself to help somebody else and have them pay

Janice Porter:

you for that help or that guidance. So letting go of the

Janice Porter:

belief that you need, you know, a program and a website, and you

Janice Porter:

know, all of those things. They're just assets, people will

Janice Porter:

pay you for this. And to remember that.

Janice Porter:

I love it. That's a great place to stop. Thank you

Janice Porter:

so much. And I'm gonna reread re listen to this myself.

Janice Porter:

Absolutely. So thank you. Thank you for being here. And thank

Janice Porter:

you to our audience for listening. And I would ask, Oh,

Janice Porter:

one last thing, where can they find you?

Janice Porter:

Suzanne Taylor-King: Suzanne Taylor king.com. And there's a

Janice Porter:

resource tab right in the menu bar. There's actually three full

Janice Porter:

coaching courses delivered by email right there on that page.

Janice Porter:

Oh, fantastic. Well, thank you again, and thank

Janice Porter:

you to my audience for being here. And remember to stay

Janice Porter:

connected and be remembered

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About the Podcast

Relationships Rule
It’s always about Relationships!
Imagine that 68% of our clients leave because they feel we don’t care. Then visualize having authentic heart-based retention strategies, proven to minimize client losses, while organically generating a substantial number of loyal clients through referrals.

Catch a glimpse of how Janice opens a conversation by applying her fine-tuned curiosity. Notice how genuinely interested she is in building a relationship with her guests – heart-based business owners and entrepreneurs. In mere minutes, guests generously share their most sweet and powerful retention systems that you can adopt today!

As a seasoned relationship marketing specialist, Janice invites us to listen in weekly, as she reveals how to nurture and build relationships in real-time.

The Relationships Rule podcast’s aim, is to help you naturally ease your networking fears, so you can adopt strategies that amplify your client list, because the facts are, that today, success is built on a foundation of strong relationships. You can relax now, knowing you can activate your relationship marketing plan, by simply tuning in to Relationships Rule each week.

About your host

Profile picture for Janice Porter

Janice Porter

I began my career as a teacher, was a corporate trainer for many years, and have now found my niche in coaching business owners to network at a world-class level.
My passion is working with motivated people, who are coachable and who want to build their businesses through relationship marketing and networking (offline & online). I help my clients create retention strategies, grow through referrals, and create loyal customers by staying connected.